♡ Chapter 5 ♡

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It was a tough day for her even though she pretended to be a strong nut in front of her bully, she's trembling from inside. She thinks that her bully didn't lie though. 

She do not want to hate her dad. After all he was the one to bring her to this life. She's grateful to meet her Appa. She has even consoled her dad when he becoming a 'monster' that night. 

Why her Dad has to be like this, huh? Why can't he be normal? Why does he has to make her Appa cry? Why she has to defend him if he was the nice guy? Why did he involve himself with the criminal if he's that nice and naive?

What if her Appa is living with him just for the sake of something else? What if he's secretly being tortured by her dad?

But even after all these thoughts, she doesn't regret her actions with Younju. 


"I mean can you imagine? It's barely been a month and your girl is already becoming a bully!" The principal was frustrated. 

"I'm so sorry for this behavior ma'am, trust me she's a good girl." Jungkook says. Today he was called by the school for the complaint. He was upset and hastily left the house. He has left Taehyung since he slept in and his medicines had kicked him in. 

"A good girl? That boy can barely stand, Mr. Jeon!"

"I'm sorry. Where's the boy?" Jungkook asked. He sees the boy sitting on the chair and no one by his side as the principal has informed him since he lives in the hostel, he do not wanted his parents to be worried about him. So he insisted to not to inform them.

"Hello sir." He politely bows. Byul almost rolls her eyes seeing him. She feels so bad for troubling her Appa. 

"Hi. I'm sorry for what my daughter did. Can you please explain what happened?" 

"I was just talking about some facts when she-" He says in a low voice. 

"He dragged me by my collar first." Byul interrupts. 

"Byul, I'm talking right? You should be quiet." Jungkook calmly says.

"But he's lying Appa!"

"Byul!" Jungkook almost snaps. 

It was the first time he did that to Byul. She has never seen her Appa angry and frustrated. She's sad that she has to see his these emotions now.

"So Younju, tell me what happened? What facts did you talk about?" Jungkook asks softly. 

"I said that her Dad was involved with a dangerous criminal." Younju replied in a low voice. 

Jungkook's eyes widens. So..... they.... I mean....

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