1 | chapter one

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"What do you mean I failed again? Sir, you must be mistaken." I smiled warily, looking at the bold red 'F' scrawled on the front of my page.
"What do you want me to tell you, Ms Park, that your answers are correct? I have checked them over 3 times now, the numbers won't magically change." My maths teacher, Mr Kang said, as I just sighed.
"Well, I'm dead then."
He just shook his head and walked off, as my best friend, Chan, turned to me.
"Your parents are not going to kill you, Y/N. Just don't tell them." He responded, smiling slightly.

I wasn't looking at him, as I watched my teacher type vigorously on his computer, and within a minute, I felt my phone buzz.
Slipping it from my pocket, my heart dropped.

Mum, 14:32
This is the third test you've failed now! I'm going to get you a tutor, and I'm taking your phone as soon as you get home.

I flashed Chan the message, groaning. "Being without my phone is death itself. How am I meant to talk to you?"

He chuckled. "In person. You're not grounded, and even if you are I'll sneak you out. That, and your parents love me."

"You're not wrong about that, but we'll see what the verdict is later. For now, I'm going to start studying for our next test." I said, flipping my book open, and working on the old revision I skipped out on.

As that was the last period of the day, as the bell rang I left with Bang Chan, him and I chatting happily as we got to his car.
"Are you sure you don't want me to drive you? It's on the way, and it's going to rain." He offered, as I shook my head.

"No, I like walking. It gives me some exercise. I'm sure I'll miss the rain." I smiled back, waving him away as he drove off, before I turned and started walking in the direction of my home.

I looked up at the darkening sky, the rain pit-patting onto the pavement, staining it dark.
Then the rain started pouring, as I instantly ran under shade.
"Well, that's pleasant." I sighed, closing my eyes.
I felt someone in front of me as I opened my eyes, to see a boy around my age holding out his hand, an umbrella in the other.

"I highly doubt you live in this building, it's empty. Come on, I'll walk you home." The boy offered, as I took his hand, pulling myself up.
"You are..?" I asked, himself laughing lightly.
His laugh was adorable.
"Right, of course. I'm Felix, Lee Felix, and I'm new to the area. You are?"
"Y/N. Y/N Park." I introduced, as he nodded with a grin.
"That is a lovely name for a lovely girl. Now, which way is your house?"
I started walking, as he stood behind me, making sure the umbrella covered me completely.

I turned and walked backwards so I could face him, noticing his hair plastering to his face.

"You're getting wet. Cover yourself as well." I said, pushing his hand so that the umbrella half-covered him, and half-covered me.

I was admiring his features- freckles adorned his cheeks, dark brown eyes wide with wonder, lips heart shaped and beautiful.
"Is there something on my face?" He asked, as I felt my heart flutter.
Even his deep voice was beautiful, as I shook my head, turning back around to face in front of me.
"No, no, you're just scarily pretty. Pretty boys always have a secret agenda. What's yours?" I asked.

"No, no secrets. Just new here and I saw you in the rain. I'm starting school next week, me and my friends. Hey, you'd like them I reckon." Felix said, and as I glanced back he was smiling.

I reached the outside of my house, stopping.
The rain was slowing now, as I moved out from under his umbrella.
"Thank you, really. I hope to see you around." I smiled, bowing in thanks as I turned to climb up the front steps.

I felt his hand grip at my wrist, as he turned me around to face him, looking my face up and down.

"I hope to see you too, beautiful." He whispered, kissing my forehead, before letting me go.
I blinked, feeling my face flush as he chuckled, and walked off, back the way we had come.

So he went out of his way to bring me home.
That was sweet.

As soon as I stepped in the door, my Mum had her hand outstretched.


I bit my tongue, holding back a sigh as I passed it to her from my pocket.

"Good. Now go study, you're not failing again."

I just nodded, holding my head down as I wandered up to my room, closing the door.
As I was pulling out my books, I heard a knock on the window.

I turned my head, and there Bang Chan was, trying to peel the window open.
I stood up, shoving it open as he came tumbling through.

My eyes widened in panic, placing a finger over my lips.
"I know, I know. It's okay, she's listening to music." He whispered, and as I listened downstairs I could hear a speaker blaring.

"Are you my tutor now, Mr Bang?" I asked jokingly, sitting back at my desk as he sat on my bed.

He hummed, holding his chin as he looked away to think.

"Depends. What's in it for me?"

"Well, you get to spend more time with your bestie?" I asked, as he shrugged, chuckling.

"Okay, you've bought me. Let's see what you're struggling with."

He came on over, bringing all my cushions with him to prop me up as we spoke.

"Oh, did you get rained on on the way home?"

"I almost got drenched, but this nice boy walked me home, since he smartly had an umbrella." I said, rolling my shoulders. "I should pack one."

"Yes, you should. Is he from our school?" Bang Chan questioned, writing out practice questions for me to solve.

"Dunno. He said he's coming to school next week and he's new to the area, same with his friends." I explained, taking the sheet from Chan as he finished, starting to work on the first one.

"Well, did he at least give you a name, this mystery man?" Bang Chan asked, standing up and stretching his legs.

I turned to look at him.
"Yes, he did. His name is Felix, Lee Felix."

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