11 | chapter eleven

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I woke up in the middle of the night, the wolf by my side again.
I rubbed his ears gently as he stirred.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up." I whispered, glancing to the food beside me.

I was starving, so I took the tray of food and wandered down to the kitchen, heating it in the microwave.

I felt like someone was watching me, as I turned quickly.
No one was there. Except the wolf, which sat in the doorway.

"Oh, you need to go back, what if my mum sees you." I whispered, waving the dog away.
But he just came closer, licking my hand.

I sighed, popping the microwave open before the timer ran out to avoid the noise, before walking back to my room.

I only ate half the meal, placing the other half on the floor for the dog, watching as he ate happily.

Then, I went to get changed. I was still in my clothes from school, I had realised, which made me cringe. How had I slept in them?

"Everything has been so weird recently, and I can't shake the feeling someone's watching me." I mumbled, glancing at the wolf, whom was looking up at me now.

"Maybe I'm being paranoid, but I feel like somethings horribly wrong." I frowned, pulling my laptop out.

I had to figure something out. It was as I told Hyunjin, the four of them were so competitive over me - the flirting, kissing, and this strange aura of theirs that made me just want to melt into them...

But I knew better, at least, I assumed I did.

I clearly didn't, saying I let Felix hang around as he did.
So I turned to the internet, finding a book about myths and legends, scrawling down the name of the shop, and closing my laptop.

The wolf had fallen asleep on the floor again, as I just smiled slightly.

"Yeah, I'll sleep too. Night." I mumbled, and fell asleep quite quickly, a dreamless night.

For Chan, it wasn't as nice.
"Chan, you don't understand what you've done." Felix seethed, pushing him against the wall, his fangs baring.

Chan's heart was racing, and Felix couldn't help but smirk at this.
"You're terrified, but this is your fault."

"I.. I didn't mean to, Felix, I'm so sorry, they told me they were your friend." Chan started, stumbling over his words.

Felix scoffed. "I've got four friends, well, more like three now. I wanted to turn you Chan, so you could join me, I really did, but I hate you. My time here was always limited anyways, with the hunter on my tail, and now he's found me, and marked me, I'm utterly fucked."

"You're a Vampire, you can survive this, can't you?" Chan asked, as Felix shook his head.
"This person is an age-old vampire hunter. They have the skills, if not better, than a vampire. I've been trying to be-rid of them for ages, but they always know where I am. You telling them sealed the deal, Chan." Felix said, freezing as he heard footsteps, pushing Chan into a cupboard.

"Ah, there you are." A voice said, as Chan listened intently, the door locked from the outside.

"Yeah, I'm here. Why can't you leave me alone? Hunt someone else?" Felix replied back, as the hunter laughed.

"You killed my best friend, Felix, I will never forgive you. So, out of all the vampires I need to eradicate from you world, getting rid of you is the most important." He replied bitterly, as Felix frowned.

"I don't even remember who they were, sorry, truly, but that's no reason to hate me. I'm sure they pissed me off as much as you do." Felix laughed darkly, watching the hunters blade carefully.

He heard Chan move, and he knew the hunter could hear it too, as he glanced back, allowing for Felix to vanish.

The hunter scowled, pulling the cupboard open.

"Oh. It's you. Thank you, for leading me to that leech. You can forget what he is now, he'll be dead before you ever see him again." The Hunter grinned, before walking off.

Chan felt himself feel faint, gripping onto the wall.

"What was that? Why was I here again?"

Chan awoke with a start, back in his normal form.

He saw you were still asleep, as he quickly bounded out the window, and rushed home.

His mum didn't dare question it as he walked through the door at 5 in the morning.

"You're running again! I'm glad you're picking yourself up, Chan." She said simply, as she finished packing her stuff for work, leaving Chan alone in the kitchen, as he washed his face.

"I remember you now, Felix. That guy... I told him about you, he was looking for you, and I didn't mean to, but I was compelled to tell him everything." Chan scowled, his whole body trembling.

"I should've let him kill you."

I woke up blissfully, the remnants of dog fur littering my carpet.
"Well, that's annoying." I laughed lightly, getting ready for school quickly, and going to leave.

A pair of earrings caught my eye, as I read the note, smiling.
"Channie, it's not even my birthday." I laughed gently, putting them on instead of my usual hoops, admiring them.

They were black crystals, that hung gently on silver, a drop earring.
They were gorgeous, and surprisingly, quite light in my ears.

I went outside, and there Felix was.

"Sorry I wasn't here yesterday. I hope Minho didn't give you any trouble." He smiled sheepishly, as I rushed over to give him a hug.

I felt him tense, before pecking me on the forehead.
"Alright, let's walk."

The whole walk, I could feel Felix staring at me, but every time I glanced up, he looked away.
But he seemed lost in thought, like he was thinking about something.

"Y/N, have you ever thought about the existence of the supernatural?" He asked quietly, stopping as he turned to me.

"Well, who hasn't? If things like that exist, I would be terrified, sure, but it would make sense. Everything can't be as simple as it seems. I'm actually planning to read a book about it all. I think I'm losing it, so..." I rambled, feeling my face drain of colour.
"Forget I said anything. Sure, yeah, supernatural stuff probably exists."

"What do you mean, by losing it?" Felix asked, cupping my cheek as he leaned down, kissing the bridge of my nose.
"I'm going crazy." I mumbled, my legs like jelly as he pulled me closer.

"Crazy people don't ever think their crazy, so your just as sane as everyone else." He whispered back, kissing the top of my nose now, his fingers in my hair.

"Doesn't feel that way." I mumbled gently, feeling his lips brush mine, my heart pounding.
He smirked into the kiss, placing just a small peck onto my lips, before pulling away.

"Your heart is racing. I didn't realise I had this effect on you, love." He laughed gently, grabbing ahold of my hand as we continued our walk to school in silence.

As we got to the gate, I noticed him freeze, a man in all black standing at the gate.
Normally, this would freak me out, but he looked around our age, as I tried to pull Felix with me, his feet dug into the ground.

"Y/N, don't look at him. Just keep your eyes down." Felix said quickly, putting an arm around my shoulder as he sped into the school, but it was too late.

The boy stopped us.

"Oh Felix! It's been awhile! You've missed our games, haven't you?"

"Not one bit.. I thought I killed you." Felix seethed, as I just glanced up at him, confused.

"What?" I said, as the boy glanced at me.

"Ah, a girl! Hello dear, me and Felix are old mates, we go way back! He doesn't mean kill me literally, he's just messing about." He smiled, dropping it as he turned back to Felix.

"You can't return to the same town less than 4 years later and expect me to not find you. You've got to know better than this, really."

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