6 | chapter six

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"What happened to your arm, Y/N?" My mum asked, as I glanced down at it.
Oh, a wolf scratched me and overnight it magically healed.
"No clue, but it's scarred over so it must be old." I shrugged, going to open the door to leave.

Standing outside was Felix, slinging an umbrella over his arm.
"I thought I'd come walk with you this morning. My house wasn't far." He smiled, as I closed the door behind me.

"You live closer to the school than me, don't you? You know, I am able to walk by myself." I laughed dryly, taking his outstretched hand as he flipped the umbrella open, to cover us from the trickling rain.

"Yeah, well, I couldn't wait until school to see you." Felix said, glancing down at my arm.
"What happened?" He asked, as I shrugged.

"Dunno, but it's old, so I'm not worrying about it. Maybe I should come up with an epic story, like I got in a fight with a wolf or something, but it doesn't really matter." I laughed dryly.
Except you were attacked by a wolf, the scar was proof of that, Y/N.

Felix just hummed, as we entered the school, Chan bounded up to me, instantly pulling me into a hug.

"Y/N! I've missed you." He teased, as I pushed him off.
"Ah you saw me yesterday, get off!" I whined, as he just held me closer.

"No, I don't wanna. Plus, you've got first period with me anyways." Bang Chan grinned, as I finally pulled away from his grip.

"Yes, we do, but we don't need the whole school thinking we're dating, you idiot." I frowned, as Bang Chan just laughed.

"That wouldn't be too bad." He said, earning a punch from me.

Felix just stood there awkwardly, glaring at Chan, before sighing, and grabbing my arm to turn me to face him.

"I'll see you at lunch, okay? You're welcome to come sit with us, I suggest you do." Felix said, flashing that beautiful smile of his that almost had me on my knees, as I nodded, and grinned.
"Yep, see you then!"

Bang Chan frowned, grabbing ahold of my hand and dragging me to class.
"You've got to sit with us, Y/N. Han's got a gift for you. It was meant to be a surprise, but if you don't sit with us..." Chan said, as my eyes widened, before I smiled.

"A gift you say? I'm in! But after school maybe, okay?" I said, as Bang Chan just turned away, cursing.

This was all new to him, but he knew his senses were telling him something.
The first thing was that Y/N smelt like him. Which also meant Felix would've smelt himself on her.

"Sure, yeah. Is your arm alright?" Chan asked, as we took a seat next to one another.

Minho and Hyunjin were also in our class, and Seungmin and Changbin were too, but they were at opposite ends of the classroom.

I saw Minho turn back, and send me a wave.

"Why is everyone asking that? Of course it is, it's healed. But you wouldn't believe what caused it." I started, as Chan just looked at me curiously.


I sighed, placing my head on the desk

"Ah, never mind, it's stupid."

"No, no, I'm sure it's not. What was it?" Chan asked, as I glanced up at him.

"A wolf did. This big, black, fluffy wolf. He was a sweetheart, don't get me wrong, but he scratched me last night. I woke up this morning and he was gone, and it was healed over. So weird." I explained, as Chan just nodded.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Why aren't you calling me crazy?"

"Because I believe you. Your house is backing onto a nature reserve, so maybe some wolves live there. I mean, at least you're not badly hurt, right?" Chan said, smiling slightly, but as we heard the teacher come in, he dropped it, and turned to the front.

I squeezed his hand under the table, him squeezing back.

Lunch came quite quickly, and as I stepped through the cafeteria with Bang Chan, I felt the sudden urge to go and sit with Felix, who was waving at me.

"Y/N." Bang Chan said, gently grabbing my arm as he walked me in the direction of our table.

"Chan. It's okay, they're not gonna hurt me. Plus, you can see me from here." I said, smiling as I tried to loosen his grip on my hand, but it only got tighter.

"Chan, you're hurting me." I winced, as he stopped walking, and hung his head, letting go.

"I'm sorry." He whispered, as I smiled.
"I forgive you. It's okay. I'll talk to you later, okay?"

He nodded, and as I went to walk off, Han got in my way.

"Y/N! I have a gift for you! I know Channie already told you, but, I wanted to give it to you now." Han said, pulling a small felt bag from his pocket, and dropping it into my hands.

It was heavy, as I pulled it open, I gasped.

Inside was a beautifully decorated pendant, in the shape of a paw print, a piece of obsidian gleaming on the inside.

"Oh it's beautiful, Han, but what's the occasion?" I asked, as he chuckled.
"There's no occasion, it's just a gift. Here, I'll help you put it on."

So he did, clipping it on the back for me, before waving me off.

Felix patted the empty space beside him, as I came and sat down between him and his friend Jeongin.

"Y/N! Glad you could join us! You know who everyone is, yes?" He asked, as I nodded.

"Great!" He clapped, and then everyone fell into casual conversation.

I couldn't help but notice Jeongin staring at me, and every time I glanced at him, he'd look awkwardly away, avoiding my eyes completely.

Suddenly, I felt Felix's breath on my neck, as I turned, he pecked a kiss on the tip of my nose.

"Hehe, got you." He chuckled, as I felt my face beat up, completely and utterly flustered.

He just laughed again, before I hit him gently.

"You're an arse."

"I love you too, beautiful." He grinned, pulling me into a side hug.

Glancing behind me, Felix glared at Jeongin.

He knew what Jeongin was thinking. He could hear the pumping of your heart, the rushing of your veins, and he could smell the sweet scent of your blood.

But you belonged to Felix, he had decided, and his friend wasn't allowed to taste you before he did.

That wouldn't be fair at all.

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