16 | chapter sixteen

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You could imagine my surprise when I awoke in my own bed again, my head pounding.
Except this time, Chan wasn't sitting beside me. No, Felix was cuddling me on my bed.

I sat up instantly, as he opened his eyes, pulling me back down.
"Come on, let's just cuddle my love."

"Felix, how did I get here? I was in class.." I stopped, having no recollection after that as I rolled over in my bed to lock eyes with him.
He cupped my cheeks in his hands.

"Oh you're just so adorable when you're confused my dear. Don't worry, school ended and we came home, okay?" He said, grinning as he stroked my cheeks.

"No, that's not what happened.." I frowned, sitting up.
Felix raised his eyebrow. "No? I'm pretty sure it is, love." He sat up beside her, furrowing his brow.
She shouldn't be questioning it, he had compelled her.

"Never mind, ignore me." I said, looking at him.
Felix quickly grabbed ahold of my chin gently, looking into my eyes.
"Don't lie to me dear, what do you remember?" He asked softly, his voice sending shivers down my spine as I wrapped my hand around his.

I closed my eyes, humming gently into his touch. I had missed this feeling.. but it also felt strange.
Like I shouldn't be touching him.

I felt images flashing in my mind, as a searing pain ran through my neck, I pulled his hand away from my face instantly.

"Jeongin bit me. He attacked me? Why did I forget that?" I started, as Felix took his hand back, just looking at me curiously, before he frowned.

"This is Jimin's doing. He's unravelling my compulsion, that bastard.." Felix grumbled, as he stood up before knocking me back down on the bed, so he was on top of me.

My heart was pounding in my chest.
"Felix.. what is he? What.. are you?" I whispered, as Felix just grinned, licking his lips as he flashed his teeth at me, pristine white fangs sitting on their tips.

"Oh darling, we're the creatures of your nightmares and your dreams, but alas, I wasn't meant to have this conversation with you yet. I'm going to go and kill Jimin, and then, I'll make you mine, my dear." Felix said, stroking my cheek as he placed a kiss on my forehead, as I felt a wave of exhaustion rush over me, and the sudden urge to close my eyes.

I fell asleep before I could see Felix jump out the window.

Chan was on edge when you didn't appear in second period, or even at lunch, as he left school early and rushed to your house.
As he jumped through the window, he saw you fast asleep on you bed, arms outstretched as if you had been holding someone.

The smell of vampire was thick in the air.

Chan walked over to you slowly, nudging you awake. But you were deep in slumber.

He was panicked when you weren't waking up, as he paced the room desperately, thinking to himself on what to do.
He had no idea.

So he called Han.

As soon as Han came over, he placed his bag on Y/N's desk, pulling out a small vial as he glanced at it in the sunlight.

"She's in a compelled sleep, Bang Chan. Something must have happened. The hunter being here has tipped those four on their heads. They're stressed." Han explained, as he pulled out a pipet, taking one drop of the strange liquid from the bottle before closing it again and hiding it back away in his bag.

"You mean Jimin? He compelled Y/N to stay away from Felix. Do you think that's why he's done- this?" I asked, as Han shrugged.
"Vampires are strange creatures." Han said, but as he stood over Y/N he felt his smile drop.
"That's weird. I can smell Jeongin's venom on her skin." He whispered, as he sat down on the bed pulling Y/N up into his chest, his nose against her neck.

There was a slight sheen where she had been bitten, Han noticed, as he took a quick sniff his face crumpled in disgust, placing her back down gently.

"Jeongin drunk from her, Chan. I don't know if he's marked her or what, but we're running out of time. Are you going to force her to be your mate?" Han asked, as he pulled Y/N's mouth open gently, hovering the pipet above her tongue before squeezing it softly, and as it emptied he held her nose, causing her to have to breathe through her mouth.

She began to stir, as Han let go of her nose, taking the pipet and standing up.

"I don't want to force her to do anything. I want her to be with me of her own accord. But you know, that's not a very fair chance when she has no idea what Felix is." Chan sighed, as Y/N rolled back over.

"Then tell her. And make her keep those earrings on, Chan- that or I'm going to start force-feeding her a bunch of herbs that she's not going to like." Han said, looking at Chan, his eyes cast down, almost as if he was telling Chan off.

Chan didn't like that at all.

"Sorry, but I'll get it sorted." Chan said softly in response, as Han went to go leave through Y/N's bedroom door, before hearing Y/N's mother coming home he gripped his bag tighter, jumping out of the window.

Chan looked back at you, a sad smile on his lips before he came over, trying to clip the earrings in as softly as he could as to not wake you.

I woke up as I felt someone's hands on the side of my head, to see Chan right in front of me.

"Chan? What are you-" I started, but he just placed his finger on my lip, shushing me as he turned my head, clicking the other one in.

"You keep losing them. It's to protect you. What happened, Y/N?" Chan asked, half expecting an 'I-don't-know' shrug, but when I let out a groan, he looked at me confused.

"Would you believe me if I told you Jeongin is a vampire?"

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