5 | chapter five

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When my Mum finally came home, something felt off.

"Where've you been Mum? Usually you're home when I'm home." I asked, sitting at the kitchen bar.

She had a glass of wine in her hand, placing it down with a sigh.
"I honestly don't know. I was driving home from work, and then I was here, but I left work at the usual time, but came home two hours later." She explained, rubbing her temples. "I'm losing my mind, your mother is getting old you know."

I smiled lightly. "No you're not. I'll schedule an appointment for you, okay? Maybe go lie down, I'll make dinner."

She nodded, wandering off to the living room, as I got to work, cooking up the noodles for us to make ramen.

By the time it was done, my mum was already asleep, so I packed the food up for tomorrow, and went up to study.

What Felix had said was racking my mind.
Both him and Minho were telling me to stay away from my friends.

Was it a possessive boy thing? Or did they know something?

There had to be something up with Minho, and I wanted to pry, but I was scared.
What if he was something I didn't want to know or be apart of?

I slammed my book shut, exhaling.
"Alright Y/N, we are not going to worry about this. It's not our problem."

I glanced at my clock. It was almost two in the morning, as I frowned to myself.

"Idiot. You've got to be up in four hours, just what are you doing?"

A bang from outside made me jump, as I rushed up and looked outside my window.

There was nothing, but then in an instant I was pushed back, shoved down onto the floor.

A large wolf was on top of me, holding me down, almost crushing me with its weight.

I tried to push it off, but it just leaned in, and as I tried to scream I felt my throat close up.

I thought it was going to bite me, but then I felt a wet, rough thing tickling my neck, as I started laughing.
"Ah stop licking me. Get off." I whispered, as the wolf-dog thing glanced down at me, before stepping off, and bowing its head.

I leaned closer, offering out my hand.

It placed its nuzzle under my hand, licking gently.

I couldn't help but laugh.

"You're a sweet boy, but why did you jump at me? You gave me a heart attack." I said, scratching him behind the ears.

It was definitely a wolf, but tame.
Someone's pet, I assumed, but I was on the second floor - so just how the hell did it jump up here?

I swear I could see him pout, as he just licked at me again.

I went and sat up on my bed, the wolf following and practically begging me to sit up with me.
I tapped the bed, as he jumped up, and lay his head on my lap.

"This is so weird, I'm going to be honest with you, but I'm so tired this is probably a hallucination." I laughed dryly, before I felt a stinging pain in my arm.

I seethed, flicking my bedside lamp on, and looking at it.

A scratch ran along my forearm, as I hissed.
"Oh fuck."

The wolf looked up, a wave of panic rushing in its eyes, as he went to lick my arm, I stopped him.

"I need to clean it. Look, you'll just make it worse." I said, gently pushing the dog off as I went into my bathroom, and washed it off, looking at it.

It wasn't too deep, and the bleeding had stopped, but it was definitely going to leave a mark.

I came back in, the wolf fast asleep at the end of my bed.

I just shook my head. "I'm going insane."

I managed to get under my covers and in bed, falling asleep quite quickly.
For some reason, the presence of this animal calmed me, and I wasn't worried at all.

The wolf opened his eyes as soon as he sensed you were asleep, standing up and pushing your covers back, to look at the scratch.

He licked it slowly, hoping to not stir you, and as he had hoped, it healed over.
But not without leaving a scar running up your arm.

The wolf bounded off the bed, turning back.

Bang Chan stood half dressed in your room, hanging his head.

He clenched his fist. "I'm sorry Y/N, I didn't mean to hurt you. But at least I know now, you're still on my side, right?"

He laughed dryly, a tear rolling down his cheek.

"Yeah, otherwise it wouldn't have worked.. I'm going to protect you, because I need you, and you can't leave me."

He knew you had one of his jumpers somewhere, and as expected it was on the back of your desk chair.

So he grabbed it, pulled it on, and jumped out the window, and went home.

Felix felt something was wrong that night, as he pushed the dead girl off of him, her body falling to a clump on the floor.
He wiped the corner of his mouth, turning to his friend beside him, who still had his fangs in the throat of another woman.

"Minho. You held Y/N. Do you feel somethings wrong?" Felix asked, clenching his fist in irritation.

Minho held up a finger, silencing Felix as he finished his drink, before dropping the body, frowning.

"I didn't mark her, nor have the interest to, so I don't know. Go check on her if you must, but it is like 3 in the morning. She'll be asleep, she can't invite you in." Minho said, pulling a handkerchief from his pocket, and cleaning his mouth.

Felix rolled his eyes. "You're useful. She invited me in yesterday anyways, so I can come and go as I please."

"Well, she's got a wolf guarding her, so be careful. One bite and it can be your doom, remember that." Minho said, as Felix's head snapped in his direction.

"How did you know about the wolf?"

Minho shrugged, smirking slightly. "I do still see snippets of things every now and again. There was a wolf in her room."

Felix vanished in an instant, as Minho just shook his head and laughed.

"Leave me to clean the bodies up then, no big deal..."

Felix jumped in through the open window, his feet not making a sound as he rushed over to you.

You were still fast asleep, but you had your arm outstretched, as he gasped, having to grip at his other arm to stop himself from reaching for you.

A deep scar ran up your arm, and based on the sheen from it, it had been licked to heal it.
Werewolf healing was often messy, and a mark from them would never fully vanish, even with vampire blood.

Unless you were turned.

He felt his blood boil. One of the wolves had hurt you, and whether it was intentional or not, he wanted that wolf dead.

He had ruined you, and it had only just begun.

Felix could still smell him in the air, as he scowled.

"It's on Bang Chan, it is on."

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