15 | chapter fifteen

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When I was ready to leave, Chan was already outside. I saw his expression drop as he saw Felix beside me.

"Y/N, didn't we talk about this?" He asked quietly as he came to take my other hand, the other wrapped in Felix's.

"Oh but I'm not what you are, Chan." Felix grinned, keeping his grip on my hand, as Chan just frowned.

"You're worse. I thought Jimin would've scared you away by now?" Chan mused, as Felix's expression dropped.

"Don't mention his name. But I'm walking with Y/N today, so run along, wolf." Felix spat, as Chan shook his head, keeping ahold of my other hand.

So I walked in between the both of them in silence, until I got to my first class, where Chan had to leave, so it was just me and Felix again.

"Jimin's.. that guy, isn't he?" I asked, glancing behind Felix, to a older guy in full black techwear.

Felix frowned. "Yep, that's him. But don't worry about it, you see, he's an old enemy, we were friends once but not anymore. Excuse me, I'll go deal with him. Jeongin!" He called to his friend, as Jeongin came over to me, nodding at Felix as he walked off.

I looked to Jeongin, who was smiling gently at me.

"You don't talk much, do you?" I asked, as he shrugged.

"Well, we've never really had the opportunity to, so." He smiled lightly, before he held his breath. You smelt really, really good... his eyes darted around, he could drag you behind the class room in an instant, Felix wouldn't even notice, and drink you dry within the second.

I looked up at him as he just stared into my eyes, holding me transfixed, before he took my hand.

"Come." He said, as I hesitated.

His eyes darted to my ears, rolling his eyes as he flicked the backs off, shoving them in my bag.
"Those are important to you, so I won't throw them, but don't put them back on. Come." He repeated, and this time I followed him as he quickly took me behind the building, shoving my back against the wall.

I whimpered slightly, as he grinned. "You don't understand how hard it is to be near you when you smell this good, Y/N, so I'm going to taste you."

"Jeongin, I don't understand.." I said quietly, as he just smiled.

"You don't have to, just don't scream."

"Jimin." Felix said, turning the corner with him as they stepped away from the normal school crowd.

"Felix. Why are you still with her, hm? Oh, don't tell me you're trying to remove my compulsion. It'll only work temporarily, you know." Jimin grinned, as Felix had to hold back from strangling him.

He was wary of the blade Jimin was spinning in his fingers, however, as he kept his distance.

"If I kill you though, the compulsion will vanish completely." Felix grinned wryly, as Jimin laughed.

"Yeah.. good luck with that." Jimin chuckled, throwing the blade.

Felix flinched, ducking out the way in an instant, the blade chopping at his hair as he felt his dead heart racing.

Jimin just laughed. "Oh, you're scared! How cute, Felix. But you know, Yoongi was just as terrified as you ripped him limb from limb." His eyes grew dark, his childish smile replaced with a frown.

"He was going to kill me, what else should I have done?" Felix whispered, as Jimin's lips curled back in what could've been a growl.

"You should've let him take your life." Jimin remarked, before pulling his knife back out from its place in the wall, and vanishing.

Felix rushed back in front of the classroom, expecting to see you there, but there was no one, everyone already inside.

But not you. You weren't inside. And nor was Jeongin.

Felix's heart raced again, as he clenched his fists, listening, as he heard your whimpered breathing, and Jeongin cursing.

Jeongin advanced on me in an instant, his teeth tearing at the flesh in my neck as I whimpered, trying to push him off effortlessly as I felt my head spin, my pushes weaker and weaker as he drained me completely, fighting to stay awake.

"Jeongin.." I croaked, my voice hoarse as I punched at him lightly again, before dropping my hands to my side.

He pulled back instantly, blood covering his mouth and shirt as I fell to the floor, whimpering as the world spun.

Jeongin looked at me, panic in his eyes.

"Shit, shit, not again.. okay, Y/N, look at me, okay? Just, can you keep your eyes open? You need to drink from me." Jeongin said, biting at his own wrist as he sat in front of me, I just whimpered in pain, looking away.

Within one moment, Jeongin was on his side, as he had been kicked over, a wooden beam protruding from his stomach.

"You idiot." Felix seethed, before sitting in front of me, squeezing my hand.

"Y/N, Y/N, look at me." Felix said sternly, as I locked eyes with him. The fear never left his face as he smiled gently, pulling me towards him as he held me in his arms, tilting my head back.

"It hurts, Felix.." I said softly, as he just nodded slowly.
"I know dear, but it's okay. He didn't mark you. I promise, I won't hurt you when I do, okay?" Felix whispered, biting at his wrist as he begun to bleed, parting my lips with one hand as he pushed his wrist into my mouth, squeezing his arm so the blood trickled into my throat.

"Swallow, my love, and you'll feel better. Then forget what Jeongin did, and what we are. You went to class, and that was it." He whispered, as I closed my teary eyes, letting the warm liquid fill my throat, the pain subsiding, as I fell asleep in his arms.

Felix leant her against the classroom wall, his gentle expression dropping as he turned to glare at Jeongin.

"What have you done, Yang Jeongin. I tell you to stand with her, and you drink her dry! What the fuck? We have one rule in our household. Don't drink other people's mates. All three of you have violated that now. Do I need to punish you again?" Felix growled, as Jeongin shook his head hastily.

"I'm so sorry Felix, I haven't drunk from a human in years, I just.. I lost control.. I'm so sorry, I'll do anything to help you deal with Jimin, and whatever else you want, just please, not that.." Jeongin pleaded, as Felix's gentle smile was placed back on his lips, tearing the stake out of Jeongin's stomach, helping him up.

"Of course not! I'd never hurt you guys, you're my brothers!" Felix chuckled, as if his threats from before never happened.

Jeongin just nodded, taking his hand back from Felix's as he looked down at Y/N, who was sleeping peacefully, blood caked on her neck.

"When are you going to mark her, Felix?" He asked, as Felix sighed.

"As soon as our hunter problem is dealt with, hopefully before Chan gets his paws on her. So we need to move quickly."

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