17 | chapter seventeen

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"Jeongin, come with me." Felix snapped quickly, grabbing the younger by the arm from his own bedroom.
Their house was deadly quiet, and the grumble of his voice echoed through the empty halls. There was no need to make it a home, this was barely permanent.
They would leave the city by years end as always.

"What- Felix, I already apologised about Y/N." Jeongin said quickly, panic noticeable in the younger's tone as Felix sighed.

"It's not about that, I need to eradicate that hunter. What he's done to Y/N is making my compulsion unravel. She's going to spill what we are to people." Felix said quickly, as Jeongin caught up to Felix's pace.

"Okay.. but do we have a plan?" Jeongin asked skeptically.
That same insane smile crawled onto Felix's lips.

"You're going to be my bait, Jeongin, and I'm going to kill him from behind." Felix said, chuckling.

Jeongin's face, already deathly pale from being a vampire, became ghostly white. You could almost see the rotted blood vessels in his cheeks.

"Jimin will kill me." Jeongin said softly, as Felix shook his head, turning to look at him.

"I won't let him kill you. Come on, have a bit of faith in me." Felix smiled.

Bang Chan didn't know whether to be confused. Or shocked. Or both.
How had they not compelled you into forgetting that.

"A vampire, you say?" He asked innocently, sitting beside me.
"Yeah, with the whole 'I'll suck your blood' agenda. I swear I was bit, but I can't feel the scabs on my neck." I said, rubbing my neck, over the spot where Chan could still see the sheen of vampire venom.

"I don't see a bite." Chan said softly, as I just sighed.
"Maybe I'm just crazy, but when I told Felix he got all defensive and basically jumped me- wait. Where is he?" I said quickly, glancing around.

Chan placed his hand on my leg, giving me a reassuring smile.
"It's just me and you here. Don't worry." He said, as I exhaled shakily, gripping his hand.

"Right.. Chan, I don't understand, all these memories keep rushing back. But I don't remember living them." I said, looking at him desperately.

So many emotions rushed behind his eyes, to the point where I couldn't even catch all of them.
"It's the compulsion. If what you're saying about them being vampires is real, like Jimin, they can manipulate your mind. That's what the earrings are for." Chan said slowly, squeezing my hand back.

"Ohh.. protection stones. I get it now- wolves are into those things." I laughed softly, leaning into Chan.

He froze slightly before laughing softly again.
"Yeah, I suppose so, since our terms of magic is the transformation. We can't manipulate people, we're here to protect humans. Vampires are self-protecting creatures. They kill and destroy to preserve themselves, and manipulate and toy with anyone they can. Horrid bloodsuckers."
From Chan's eyes, his words were empty.

"You don't mean it." I said gently, as he glanced at me with a small smile.

"You're right. I don't. But that's my wolf instinct. Do you remember when you were sick, Y/N?" Chan said, his voice low.

My eyes widened- Chan remembered it? No one did. Not even my own mother.

"Yes, but how do you.." I said, pulling myself away from him as I searched his face for any sort of joke, or emotion, but all I could see was misery and pain.

"It was the worst time of my life. And because of a vampire, I forgot about it. When I transformed, my memories slowly came back to me. The same is happening to you. Do you want to know why?" Chan asked, gripping my hand.

I nodded slightly, as his smile faltered.

"Jimin's trying to turn you into a hunter. That process will be complete once the compulsion is erased fully. And once you eradicate vampires, you'll thirst for more. And you'll kill us wolves." Chan said, furrowing his brow.

Before I could speak again, he placed a finger on my lips.

"Felix is going to kill the hunter by sundown. Once he's dead, the transformation will fail. So let's just hope he can be more than a useless leech for once." Chan said, as I just nodded, my body trembling slightly.

I didn't know what to believe. I was going to be a hunter? No. That was wrong.
Felix, vampire or not, would help me, right?

He would help me because we had something special.
Did I love him? I didn't know.

That in itself was terrifying to me.

"Ah. Jeongin? Unexpected, but a vampire is a vampire. I'll kill you too, and send your head to Felix as a warning. Oh, or more foreshadowing of his own imminent demise." Jimin laughed, turning to look at Jeongin.

Jeongin's body was shaking in fear. His immortality was at threat.

Never did this vampire think he would ever have to fear death again.

"Brother! I'll save you, please, just wake up! Why won't he wake up?" A frantic boy screamed, shaking a ragged corpse.
"I could only save you, I'm sorry." Another voice said, but their was no pity, no remorse.
Shallow words.
"But why me? Felix, my brother-"

"Silence, Jeongin. Be lucky I even saved you. He had lost too much blood. Only God himself could save him, and it wouldn't be a life for him." Felix said solemnly, as fire crackled around them.
"We must go. The fire will burn even my stone-cold skin, and especially your newly transformed self."

Jeongin looked at him, tear stricken.


"I turned you into what I am. A vampire. Don't be startled. You're my friend. I couldn't let the people burn you." Felix said softly. "I'm sorry about your brother."

"I was suffocating.. I couldn't breathe.. but you.." Jeongin said slowly, before bowing his head.

"I owe you one."

"You owe me nothing but your friendship, Jeongin, now come on, let's get out of here. Your new life awaits."

"I'll make sure I finish off the job, okay? Your brother was a mere casualty, but I knew Felix had been feeding you his blood. So kill you, turn you, and then kill another vampire. It was foolproof until he came to save you and escaped." Jimin sighed. "Well, it was Yoongi's plan. Felix killed my partner, so now, I'll kill one of his."

The blade struck through Jeongin's non-beating heart, and his body fell to the floor quicker than Felix could even get the jump on Jimin.


Then the screams, and the metallic screech of silver against the marble floors of the museum halls resonated through the cold night.

Only one was left by dawn.

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