13 | chapter thirteen

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I woke up, gasping. I looked around, confused.

When did I get home?

Chan was asleep on my desk chair as I sat up, swinging my legs over the edge of my bed to walk around.
He stirred, waking up to look at me, as he blinked, rubbing his eyes.
"Oh, you're awake. Don't rush to get up, it's okay." He mumbled, yawning quickly as he stood.

"You could've slept on my bed as well, you know.. what time is it?" I mumbled, as he picked his phone up from the table, laughing.

"It's already 7 o'clock." He said, as I felt my face fall.

"What? I was asleep the whole day? Why? How? I don't.." I started, as Chan just held my hand, helping me out of bed.

"What do you remember, Y/N?" Chan asked, as I just shrugged, taking his hand as I stood up, leaning against him slightly as I balanced myself.

"I remember being with Felix, and then there was some guy... they didn't say anything, and since then there's like this pit in my stomach thinking about going near Felix - thats not normal, is it? Chan, I don't understand any of this." I asked, as he just sighed.

"Y/N, if I explain everything to you I think your head will explode." Chan said, but he didn't laugh this tine.
I grabbed his hand tightly. "Chan... please... just tell me something."

I could see he was conflicted, but then he finally sat me back down, sitting beside me on the bed.
"Close your eyes." He said simply.

I didn't question it, and I did.
I heard movement beside me, and then I felt a warm, hairy thing on my hand.
I opened my eyes, and it was a Wolves paw, attached to said Wolf's body.

I blinked, and then jumped back.

"Chan? Wait, where did you..." I said, but then on looking at the wolf again, and into its eyes, something hit me.

"You're a wolf.. like, a werewolf, but I don't.. how.." I asked, stammering over my words.
I covered my eyes with my hands, and then I felt Chan's hand back on my shoulder.

I looked at him and flinched away, and he looked hurt.

"Just a wolf is the term, I'm not a humanoid wolf in the slightest. I'm newer to the pack, though, they initiated me after Felix and his mates came into town." He explained, keeping his distance from me.

"But why Felix? Is he a wolf too? Why do I want to stay away from him now? Who's Jimin?" I asked, the questions pouring from my mouth as I leaned closer, grabbing his hand.
"Please, I can accept that you're a.. wolf.. I mean, you've come here before and never hurt me."

Chan smiled, kissing the back of my hand, his other hand fiddling with my hair.
"Felix is not a wolf, dear, but I can't tell you what he is. Jimin wants him dead, it's an old rivalry that im not apart of. Jimin... he manipulated your mind, Y/N, that's why you want to stay away from Felix. I can't fix it."

"But why can't you tell me, Chan?" I asked, as he just sighed.
"Its one of those things you're better off not knowing. When you go to school tomorrow, wear different earrings. Felix will fix what Jimin did to your mind, don't worry. But then, I never want to see you without them, okay? They stop things like Felix from brainwashing you again." Chan explained, as I seethed.

"Again? As in this has happened before?" I asked, as he nodded warily.

"I think so, yes... but it'll be okay, Y/N. Even if he fixes it, please, keep your distance, for me." Chan asked, as I just nodded, feeling tears prick at my eyes.
Chan noticed, panic and regret instantly filling his face as he sat me down on my bed, his hands on my shoulders.
I pulled him down so he sat beside me.

"Chan, how can it be okay? You're telling me that Felix, my friend, a guy I trust, has been using me for god knows what, and I just don't remember? He just made me forget? Is that possible?" I asked, as Chan just nodded slowly, as this time I did start sobbing, hiding into his chest.
"And my best friend is a wolf.. this is all so weird.. and so sudden."

Chan rubbed my back gently, but I felt his head turn away from me, as his grip tightened.
"Felix, now is not the best time." He said simply, as I felt my heart race.

"Chan, I need to undo what Jimin did, can't you see how she's reacting to me? I've never hurt her, you know that." Felix started, as Chan just narrowed his eyes.

"Maybe it's for the best, Felix. I told her what I am, so why don't you tell her what you are, hm?" Chan asked, and it was Felix's turn to stand there frozen, his expression instantly dropping.

I avoided his gaze, keeping myself hidden behind Chan.
"No, it doesn't matter."

"Felix.." I said quietly, standing up beside Chan, keeping my hand on his shoulder to keep him sitting on my bed.

Felix was illuminated by the moonlight filtering through the window, his hair flitting around his face, framing his sharp jaw, as he just looked at me, his eyes full of love, as they looked up and down my body.
"Y/N.. take your earrings out, I don't want to hurt you by yanking them out, okay?" Felix asked, stepping forward.

I instantly stepped back, as I saw Felix's mouth fall into a frown, and then he was behind me, his hands around my neck.
I heard the gems fall to the floor, as he turned me to face him.

"You'll forget what Jimin compelled you earlier. To be scared of me. You'll feel as you did before." He whispered, as I tried to pull away, but then I felt... calm, as I used to before.

But there was still this feeling in my stomach.

I pushed Felix off of me.

"I don't know what you are Felix, but stop muddling with my mind. Look, you're my friend, I'm sure that's genuine, but please.. don't." I said, crossing my arms against my chest, as if to protect my body from him.

My body was now blocking the light, Felix's face in a shadow.
He then laughed.
"Y/N, trust me, the worst I've done in your precious little mind is tell you to sleep. You're worrying about the wrong people. Chan and the rest of his pack will be your doom. Every scar from them will never fully heal - that scratch on your arm? It will be there forever. Same goes for if Chan does anything to you as he is now. They're a danger to you. But listen to him if you want, all I ever wanted to do is look after you." Felix laughed, and then he was in front of me again, his hands gripping tightly around my shoulders, as he locked eyes with me.

"So don't be worried about what I'll do you Y/N, or what I am. I'm just as human as you are." He grinned, before he got pushed back.

Chan was in front of me, fuming.

"Felix, get lost. The only reason I didn't rip your head off before you came in was because I wanted to give you a chance to redeem yourself, but you're just wicked. Now get lost." Chan seethed, his voice raising to a yell, as Felix just smiled, tapping Chan and me on the shoulder as he left.

"Alright, I'll go then. Sleep well, my friends. I'll see you in your dreams, I'm sure." He laughed, more gently this time, as I felt my eyes grow heavy as I sat back down on my bed, yawning.
I went to ask Chan if he felt the same, but he was already asleep beside me, as I cuddled into him, drifting into a dream.

A dream it was.

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