14 | chapter fourteen

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It was pitch black, and I was running. Wolves were howling in the dark forest, and I could hear their feet chasing after me.
I knew they were there, and that only made me panic more.
Leaves were crunching, and branches were snapping as I breathed heavily, doubling over in exhaustion.
I couldn't keep running, it was impossible. My legs felt like jelly.

A shadow started walking towards me, but I couldn't see there face until they were right in front of me.
It was Chan, except his eyes were bright yellow, and the fangs of a wolf sat on his lips as he smiled.
"Come on Y/N, you can trust me." He whispered, his voice so soothing...

"Y/N." Felix demanded from behind me, as he came and pulled me back.
I looked up at him. "What, when did you.." I started, but he put a hand over my mouth, forcing me to look back at Chan.

He had turned back into a viscous wolf now, which was licking its lips as it stared right at me, as Felix slung me onto his shoulders, and we ran.

I woke with a start, gasping for air.
Chan woke as well, grabbing for my hand.

"Nightmare?" He asked breathily, clearly shaken from whatever he had dreamed about, as I nodded.

"You're the same, then." I whispered, squeezing his hand gently as I sat up, rubbing my head.

"Yeah, but it's fine." Chan said, sitting up beside me. It was six in the morning, I noticed, as he sighed.

"I better get back to my place. I'll be back here later to take you to school, okay?" Chan said, standing up, as I just nodded.

"Last night was a bit of a blur.. but you did confess to me that you're a wolf, yeah?" I asked, as Chan nodded.

I just smiled. "Okay, good, I thought I was losing my mind."

He just laughed. "I think I've lost it more than you have, Y/N."
With that he bounded out the window, as I rolled over and tried to get back to sleep.

"Do you think it's an issue that Y/N knows about the wolves?" Felix asked, as he sat playing chess with Hyunjin.
"No, I don't believe so. Wouldn't she rather stay away from them?" Hyunjin asked, pushing a pawn forward, as he took on of Felix's.

"I'm not sure. But, I'm also curious. When I took the day off to interrogate Chan, why was it when I came back home you smelt like her." Felix asked, his voice dripping with malice, hard and cold.

Hyunjin froze his hands over another pawn.

"Oh. Uh." Hyunjin stammered, as Felix glared right at him, leaning over the table as he tugged Hyunjin's ring off.

"Why did you smell like my Y/N?" He whispered again, a smile tugging at his lips.

"I drunk from her." Hyunjin replied almost robotically, before he covered his mouth, jumping back from the table.
"You compelled me. What the hell? We promised we wouldn't do that, you promised!" Hyunjin exclaimed, yanking the ring back from Felix's hands as he slid it back on.

Felix frowned. "And you all promised you wouldn't taste her. Well? Did you bite her?"

"No, she cut her own wrist. Minho did as well, so why are you targeting me?" Hyunjin whined, but he was still wary.
Felix was glaring at him, before he sighed, dropping back down into his seat.

"It was just bugging me, okay? Look I'm, I'm sorry. But you weren't going to tell me, were you? You didn't mark her, so it's fine. Let's continue playing, yeah?" Felix said, as Hyunjin sat back down awkwardly, as Felix made his play, taking Hyunjin's bishop.

"I don't think Chan knows." Hyunjin said after awhile.
"Well then, let's keep it that way." Felix said sternly, as he placed his queen by Hyunjin's king.

"Although.. if we tell him, he could regain trust in us. Not you, but perhaps me. I'll think about it. But, I've won." Felix smiled, as Hyunjin looked down at the board, frowning.

"That's the third game in a row now!" He whined, as Felix just laughed.

"Every time you still suck! You'll get better with time, don't worry." Felix said, resetting the chess board again. "I'm just unbeatable."

I was exhausted when my alarm finally rang, as i slowly got up and ready.
My mum had already left for work, so it was just me in the house, until I felt a presence behind me.

I went to turn around, but whoever it was wrapped their arms around me in a gentle hug.

"Hello, my love." Felix whispered, his breath tickling my ear. I felt my face flush red, as I held his hands that were around my waist.

"How'd you get in here?" I asked, as he chuckled.

"You left your window open. You know, there's a lot of scary things in the world, so I wouldn't do that. Like your best friend, for example." Felix said, and as I glanced up at him, he had dropped his smile.
On noticing me looking at him, he planted it back on his lips, and gave me a kiss on my forehead.

"But not you, right?" I asked gently. He was human, that's what he had told me in my fever dream of recollections from last night.
He squeezed me tightly, before spinning me around so we were face to face, as he looked down at me with those bright, loving eyes.

"Yes, love, I'm simply human, just like you. Which is why," he said, resting his head on mine as he played with my hair, "I want you to keep your distance, Y/N. They're dangerous. Especially since they're fighting over the leader of the pack. Chan's the oldest age wise, but Han was their leader before. If you know anything about wolves, you know that usually the alpha is the one with a mate, so."

"Are you suggesting Chan's going to use me to become the head? Felix, I doubt that." I replied, snuggling into his chest. I was so tired, and he felt so warm, so soothing.

"It's possible, so just, stay away. Please?" He asked, looking into my eyes, a gentle plead in his.

I laughed, stroking his cheek. "Alright, you big softie. How do you even know all this, anyways?"

Felix just grinned. "I know everything."

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