2 | chapter two

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Bang Chan just hummed. "Ah, his name sounds so familiar. But if you believe he's new here, it's probably a coincidence."
I shrugged, rolling around on my chair as he marked my answers, trying not to see the disappointment in his face as he corrected them.
"Ah, maybe. But I suppose you'll see, the closest school around here is ours, so stay hopeful!" I exclaimed, hearing as the music from downstairs quietened down, and footsteps rang from outside my door.

I looked at Bang Chan in panic, as he jumped down and slid under my bed.
My mum wandered in, her eyes falling to the paper in front of me.
"Is that maths? You're actually studying? Wow. I expected you to sneak a boy in here." She said, beaming.
But then she saw the phone on my bed, my eyes following hers.
She wandered over, picking it up.
"Who's phone is that?"

I stammered, glancing under the bed as Bang Chan shook his head.
"It's Chan's! He left it at school, so I brought it home for him. His sister called me and I let her know the phones here. He'll be here soon to get it." I explained, as she let out a sigh of relief.

"Ah, Bang Chan. He's a sweet boy, smart, too." She smiled, wandering back downstairs.

Bang Chan slid out from under the bed. "I suppose I'll go down to the front door. Good call, though."
Then he jumped back out the window, as I waited for the bell to ring.

I opened my door to head downstairs, but I heard a noise behind me.
I turned, seeing a note fall onto the floor, a rose sat atop it.
I walked back.
"I hope to see you at school, beautiful."
There was a phone number written neatly on the bottom too, as I smiled.

It must've been from Felix. But how did it get in my house?

I heard the doorbell ring as I ran downstairs, Chan's phone in my hand.

I opened the door, his face red and flustered - well, he did just jump out of my window and run around the front of the house, so reasonably he was out of breath.

"Hi. Hannah told me you had my phone?" He said, as I nodded, passing it to him.

"Ah, Chan! Welcome, come inside! I'll get you a drink. Would you like something to eat? You're very much welcome to stay." My mother chimed in, coming and holding Chan's hands as she smiled.

Bang Chan smiled kindly back.
"I would love to, but I'm afraid I have to go home. Lucas is waiting for me, and I promised to help him with his homework." He said, as my mother released his hands.

"Well, you're always welcome here. Thank you for dropping by." She said, waving as he said his goodbye, and left.

She sighed. "Y/N, why can't you be more like him?"

I looked at her, offended. "What's wrong with me?"

"You're not well mannered! Just look at how you're looking at me? God, you're lucky I'm as nice as I am." My mother scoffed, wandering off as I just rolled my eyes, and went back upstairs.

Within the next few days at school, everyone was buzzing with excitement at the new kids, whom were finally arriving today.
New boys, I should say, all the girls excitedly trying to find everything out the could about them, to shoot their shot.

"Have you seen them yet?" I asked Chan, as he shook his head.
"No, apparently they're only coming during 4th. So, now, basically." He whispered, and as if on queue, 4 boys walked through the door.

Felix was one of them, as he smiled at me.

"Class, I would like you to make our new students feel welcome. Boys, introduce yourselves." Mr Kang asked, as the first boy stepped forward.

"I'm Lee Know, Lino, Minho, whatever you want. I don't mind." The first boy said, turning to the boy beside him.

I could already sense the girls going crazy over them - but honestly, they were gorgeous.

"I'm Hyunjin." The second said, his long black hair cascading down his face.

Felix was the third one across, smiling brightly.
"I'm Felix, or Yongbok! I can't wait to be friends!"

The last one smiled slightly. "I'm Jeongin."

Mr Kang assigned them all seats, Felix sitting behind me and Chan.
Bang Chan kept looking back at him, and as the bell rang, he walked to Felix's desk.

"I know you." He pointed out, as Felix tilted his head.

"You look familiar too.." Felix mumbled, glancing at me as he smiled.
"Y/N! Hello! Told you I'd see you again, beautiful." He grinned, as Bang Chan just sighed.

I came over as well, holding Bang Chan's arm, smiling at Felix.

"I'd give you a tour of the school, but I'm assuming that's what you were doing for the first half of the day. This is my friend, Bang Chan. Chan, meet Felix." I said, pointing to Chan and then at Felix.

"Oh, Chan! I know you now! We were in the same volleyball team! Middle school, remember?" Felix grinned, Bang Chan grinning slightly too.

Felix stood up, slinging his bag over his shoulder, walking with us to the cafeteria.
I could see everyone's eyes on me - well, on Felix.

People usually flaunted over Chan himself, being the nicest and one of the most attractive boys in the school, along with all his friends.
Now that Felix was here, and his friends too, there were 8 for people to flaunt over - but still, all eyes were on us.

I kept my arm in Chan's, him just squeezing my hand.

"Oh, there they are! My friends already have a table -
Do you want to sit with us, Y/N?" Felix asked, turning to look at me.

Bang Chan kept ahold of my hand.

"We're alright, we already have a table." Bang Chan spoke for us.
"It was nice seeing you again, Lix."

He then whisked me away, back to our table.

"I thought you guys were friends?" I asked, as Chan shrugged, stealing a bag of chips from Han.

"We were, but somethings off about him. I can't explain it. Time changes people, and I dunno, I don't trust him." He explained, offering me a few of Han's chips.

"So that's Y/N?" Minho asked, as Felix nodded, looking over at the girl.

"She's with wolves. I wonder if she knows? Although, if she did, why would she talk to me?" Felix queried, pulling his drink from his bag, taking a sip as he licked at his fangs.

"That Chan guy isn't a wolf. The others on the table smell like wolves, but not really. I don't think any of them know what they are." Hyunjin sighed, glancing around the cafeteria.

He smiled at the girls who were staring, listening as he heard them flaunt to their friends about making eye contact with him.
All humans were the same.

"Well, I don't know if he noticed anything was up with me, but I've met him before. We were friends. Middle school - I mean, I've been a vampire for ages, but that witch cursed me to have to rebirth, so I was aging. He knows who I am, but he shunned me away." Felix rambled, as Jeongin lifted his head from the table, gripping it for dear life.

"Maybe he just felt you'd changed. Who knows. Can I have some of your blood, please? I'm dying and I don't want to hurt anyone." Jeongin asked, his voice practically croaking.

Hyunjin looked at him sadly, pulling a knife out as he sat beside Jeongin, cutting his own wrist and placing it in front of him.
Jeongin drank happily, Hyunjin not even wincing.

The younger didn't want to feed from people, so instead, he just fed from them - he didn't have a choice, things had just led to that point.

Felix just glanced at her again, crushing the metal flask he was holding.
"I want her to be mine."

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