9 | chapter nine

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"Chan." Felix called mockingly, as he stepped down into the basement.
He couldn't help the grin that slid onto his face as he saw the boy tied up, helpless.

Felix wandered on over, crouching down so that he could look up at him, tied to the chair.

Chan was just glaring at him.

"Why am I here?" He asked, as Felix shrugged, pulling a chair over himself.

"It was an impulsive decision. But firstly, I want to talk. You don't remember me, do you?" Felix asked, as Chan sighed.

"I know we used to be on the same sports team. You went to a different school. We were friends. But I don't remember anything specific." He explained, as Felix glanced at the floor.

"Yes, well, I made you forget me. I had told you what I was, so I had to." Felix started, before going to hold Chan's hand.
Then he stopped.

"Do you want to remember us, Chan?" Felix asked, as Bang Chan just looked at him slowly, before nodding.

"Sure. But don't make anything up, okay?" Bang Chan said, as Felix laughed.

"We're going to go inside your head, okay? I'll show you the most important of it all. Then, I'll try my best to compel you to remember the rest of it, but it's kind of hard since you're a wolf." Felix explained, placing his hand on Chan's, and in that instant, Chan felt his stomach drop.

Balls squeaked around them, as Felix stood next to Bang Chan, as they watched one of their own games.

"This was where we first met. It was the first game on the bracket, so everyone was tense. We won, and you held an after party to celebrate. We kind of clicked almost instantly." Felix explained, as Chan just glanced at him, everything coming back slowly.

"Ah, right." Chan said.

Then they were in Chan's house, but this time, Chan was in his own eyes.
He knew this, looking at the mirror he was himself from middle school, but Felix in front of him looked the same.

"Are you sure you're a middle schooler? I'm going to be honest you look like you'd be in high school." Chan asked, as Felix laughed.

"Well, I'm older than that, but being in high school gets boring. Hey, say, do you believe in mythological creatures? Y'know, vampires, werewolves, etcetera?" Felix asked, as Chan shrugged.

"They probably exist, I just doubt they'd be here. Korea isn't that exciting." Chan said, glancing outside his window.

"Which one would you want to be?" Felix asked, coming to sit next to Chan on the side of the bed.

Chan glanced at him.
"Ah, a vampire would be cool! You'd never age, and I mean, if you find someone important to you, you can keep them with you forever. See, I'd say a wolf, but you're not as indestructible, you know? Like I've got people I need to protect, so."

"Like who?" Felix enquired. Honestly, humans fascinated him.
He would only be here a year, so he may as well make it count.

"Well, my best friend Y/N. Ah, you haven't met her.. usually she comes to watch my games but she's been quite sick. Then there's you, and my parents." Chan explained, Felix noticing how upset he looked at the mention of you.

"Y/N? Why don't we go pay her a visit, I'm sure you miss her." Felix said, standing up.

"Felix... she's really not well, I don't-" Chan started, as Felix smiled.

"I'd like to think I'm quite magical, Chan. I think you'll see that I can make her feel a lot better."

Felix pulled out of Chan's head in that moment, wiping his face as blood started to pour from his nose.

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