18 | chapter eighteen

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Chan just sat with me in my bed, as I groaned, memories of the past spitting through my head like a broken film reel.
It felt as if every memory I had was being torn apart and rewritten, but it was the opposite- the erased was being forced back upon me, a searing pain running through me, covering by a whimper.

Chan then tensed up, fists clenching as he stood up, squeezing my hand.

"Y/N, somethings wrong. I can't explain what, but since there's four and four of us, right, there's like a balance. That's just shifted." Chan said quickly, standing up.
I looked up at him through blurry eyes, unable to focus on his image, his voice clear as day.

"Does that mean Felix is..." I asked softly, his eyes softening.
"No, no, i'm sure he's okay, Y/N, hurt, maybe, but not dead. I don't like this hunter either, because of what he's done to you. So i'm going to go see what's happening. Do you want me to send Han here?" He asked, as I just shook my head.

"I should be fine, Chan." My smile was tentative, and then he had vanished out the window as I lay down, groaning in agony.

Was this what death felt like? No, this was worse.

I was being torn apart, and not even in the literal sense... and if Felix failed... I would be forced to hate him.. and his friends.

I couldn't live a life of hatred. That's not who I am.

Felix's barely beating heart felt as if it was racing, as he rushed to Jeongin's side, throwing the blade out as it clattered along the floor.
Jeongin choked on his own blood, as Felix forced his wrist into his friends mouth, offering his blood to heal as he glared at Jimin.

"Alright, I'm here. Picking on kids is nasty, even for you." Felix spat, as Jimin shrugged his shoulders.

"He's not really a kid anymore. Physically, yes, but that's the curse you leeches bare, isn't it?" Jimin asked, picking the blade up as he spun it in his fingers.
"I must've missed his heart, since he's healing," he sighed, "shame, because it's going to hurt even more now."

Felix pulled his hand away from Jeongin's mouth, as Jeongin lay there gasping.
Jimin lunged, and in a swift move Felix kicked Jeongin away, muttering a 'sorry' before he flung at Jimin.

His kick was easily dodged, as the hunter slipped around, before grabbing his hair, tugging him down.

"Ah, too slow." Jimin grinned, the blade hovering over Felix's heart.
But his hands were pulled away, as Chan threw Jimin across the room, leaving Felix to fall to his knees, shaking.

"I never thought I would be grateful of you again, dog." Felix chuckled, as Chan helped him up.

"I'm helping you for Y/N, and her alone. He needs to die to fix her, right?" Chan asked, as Felix nodded.

"If she becomes a hunter, the only way it would be bad for you is she would be in danger all the time, you know, trying to kill us vampires," Felix said, glancing at Chan, "you want to mark her, don't you?"

"I love her, so of course," Chan started, but his words were cautious. "And yet so do you. May the better man win- and that'll be me."

Felix just laughed, but was interrupted as Jimin appeared behind him, knocking him down onto his back as he groaned.
Chan flung him off, as Jimin spat blood.

"Wolf, this isn't your fight. Leave, and i'll stop the turning." Jimin spat, as Chan frowned.
"Your word means little to me. I'd rather just get rid of you." Chan scowled, as Jimin's eyes narrowed.

"The leech has poisoned your mind as well. One good deed doesn't cover what he is- a murderous, selfish, blood-sucking leech who is looking out for himself, and himself alone." Jimin exclaimed, growling, hurling his sword at Felix.

Chan caught it easily, the blade edge grazing Felix's nose.

"Whilst that may be true," Chan started, tossing it aside as it ricocheted on the floor, "I'd trust him over you. A hunter is basically a vampire- immortal, and a selfish hypocrite."

Felix watched cautiously, his eyes darting back to Jeongin, who lay unconscious against the wall.

"Chan, can you get Jeongin out of here? Please. This is my fight." Felix said, patting Chan on the shoulder.

Chan just nodded, before bounding over to Jeongin, tossing the younger vampire over his shoulder, before running.

"Don't get yourself killed, Y/N cares about you!" Chan called.

Felix just smiled, before turning back to Jimin.

"Alright, hunter boy, let's dance."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29 ⏰

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