10 | chapter ten

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Hyunjin kept his arm wrapped in mine as we exited the school, as he walked me all the way to my house.

I didn't question that he knew which one it was - saying Minho had met me here earlier, it made sense.

I walked up to the door and unlocked it, turning to Hyunjin, waiting for him to follow.
He just smiled awkwardly.

"You can come in if you want." I said, as his smile widened, stepping inside.
His eyes were darting around, examining the house as I wandered up to my room.
I instantly fell onto my bed, rubbing my eyes.

"Why am I so tired.." I whined, as Hyunjin just laughed.

"School is rather draining like that, I agree." He said, looking at the photos lining my wall, frowning.

They were all photos of you and Chan together, some occasionally with the others, but mainly just Chan.

"You've got a lot of photos of Chan. Is he your boyfriend?" Hyunjin asked, turning to me as I froze.

"We're just, really good friends. I don't really have any photos of you guys, so..." I said meekly, as Hyunjin came and lay next to me on my bed.

"Let's take one then, so you can have your new friends on there too. I have a photo wall too, and it's empty without you." Hyunjin whispered, planting a kiss on my neck.

I sat up, pushing myself away from him.

"Please stop kissing me, it's confusing me." I said quietly, as he sat up beside me, keeping his distance.

"Why? Don't you like it?" He frowned, as I kept quiet.

"You four... do you actually want to be friends with me, or is it a competitive thing, lust wise... I can get over Felix, but you and Minho today... I don't understand." I started, placing a hand on my neck where his lips were earlier.
"Jeongin hasn't done anything, but I'm sure he'll do the same soon. Look, I'm not an object, okay? So please, just stop. It's making me look like a slut, and I'm not. I already have half the girls at school bullying me as is..."

Hyunjin avoided my eyes, sighing.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know. What do they say to you?"

"They wished I was dead. I almost did die, years ago, but an Angel saved me. Well, maybe I hallucinated the whole thing, Chan doesn't remember it, and my mum won't talk about it. But sometimes I wish I did." I explained, squeezing my hands together in my lap. "I don't know why I'm telling you this."

"Don't say things like that. The girls- they'll just be jealous. It's their fault that they're boring compared to you, Y/N, you've got us transfixed. But I'm sorry, I'll talk to the boys about laying off. I hope we can still be friends though. But don't ever think about dying, okay?" Hyunjin said, squeezing my shoulder as he stood up.
"Have a nice nap, Y/N."

"Thank you, Hyunjin." I said, as I lay back down on my bed, closing my eyes.

I opened them slightly, expecting to see him leave, but he was already gone.

"You.. you bit me?" Chan asked, holding his wrist as him and Felix were back in the basement.
Felix nodded.

"Why didn't you mark me then? Isn't that how it worked?" Chan asked, as Felix just laughed.

"Oh my god, ew. I'll explain it to you, since you used to mean a lot to me. I don't know why I'm doing this, I guess it's because I'm rather human at the moment. There's a few factors to marking someone. First, you have to be attracted to them. I'll admit you're attractive, Chan, but not my type. Second, they have to know your name. This is ensuring vampires don't mark strangers, y'know, people they find attractive. And you have to do it with the intent of marking them, since that means injecting your venom into them, which, for a human is like a sex drive hormone. It helps to attract them to you." Felix explained, standing up.

Chan stood as well, glancing around.

There was plenty of wood in here, if he could just break a pole off....

"I really hope you're not planning to kill me after doing all this for you, Chan." Felix sighed, grabbing Chan's hand.

"I want you to remember our friendship. The parts I forced you to forget. Including why I despise you." Felix grumbled, before pushing Chan.

"Now get out of here. I don't want to ever see your face again, traitor." He scoffed, speeding off.

Chan just stood there, his head whirring with new memories. No, not new, just forgotten.

Then he felt his heart drop, finally able to look at his phone.
A whole day had passed, and you had been alone.

He turned, running to your house in wolf form, bounding in through the window.
You were already fast asleep, a tray of food on the inside of your door.

"Saw you were already sleeping. You deserve it, you've been working hard - Mum"
Chan turned back, smiling, as he brought your tray to your desk, noticing the necklace sitting on it as well.

He flipped the note over.
"Your friend Han dropped this off. He's a nice guy, invite him over more."
Chan couldn't help but laugh, trying not to disturb you as he sat beside you on your bed, his hand gently placed on top of yours, listening to your even breaths.

That's when he smelt them on you, he scowled.
That meant you hadn't been spending time with your friends today, but instead, with the vampires.

He wanted to know what had happened, but he doubted Han would tell him, in fear he would get angry.

So instead, Chan reached into his pocket, pulling a small vile of liquid out.
He felt bad for what he was about to do, but it was necessary.

He gently turned you on your back, hoping you wouldn't stir, as he pulled back one of your eyelids, dropping the liquid into them, and letting you blink again.

He dropped one in his eye as well, wincing - he knew it didn't sting you, it only affected supernaturals this way.

Then he felt his head go heavy, squeezing your hand, he passed out.

There Chan was, watching the school day go by.
He saw you with Minho. Constantly, like he was a disease.
Right, they were leeches, how could he forget?

Then came lunch, and he was disgusted as he watched Hyunjin compel you to cut yourself, before drinking from you to the point where you almost passed out.
Everyone was oblivious to this, compelled.

What hurt Chan the most though, was his friends walking off, leaving you defenceless, as they drank from you, and controlled you.

Then he was in your room, with Hyunjin, as he kissed you.

But he was shocked as you pushed him off - you were ignoring his advances, pushing past the alluring aura of vampires.
Well, sadly you couldn't keep your distance from Felix, but you managed to worm your way out of Hyunjin and Minho's compulsion, their aura that had most people drawn to them.

Chan woke with a start, his heart pounding.

You were still fast asleep, but a tear fell down your cheek.

"I don't want to be an object..." you whispered, your voice a whimper as Chan rubbed the back of your hand.

"You're not Y/N, don't worry. I'll drive them away, and we can go back how it was, okay? I got rid of Felix the first time, I'll do it again." Chan whispered, standing up to leave, but before he did, he pulled a pair of earrings from his pocket, leaving them on your desk where you would see them.

"You keep losing the necklace, so wear these instead. If you manage to lose them, I'll be quite impressed.
See you tomorrow. Sorry I wasn't there today.
I love you <3
- Chan"

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