7 | chapter seven

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When lunch ended, Felix walked me to last period, keeping ahold of my hand.
I kept trying to pull away, but he wouldn't let me.

"Felix." I said, tugging at it again.

"What?" He looked at me so innocently, so I just laughed.
"Let go of my hand, please. People already get angry enough that I'm friends with Chan and co, people thinking I'm dating you will cause me even more trouble." I said, as Felix sighed sadly, finally letting go.

"Well, if anyone gives you any trouble, let me know, okay?" He smiled, giving me a peck on the forehead, before bounding off to his class.

Chan came up behind me, hugging me.

"So, how was lunch?" He asked, as I turned to face him, his nose mere inches from mine.

"It was fine. I didn't die, see?" I laughed, as Chan held my hand, and put the other around my waist, pulling me in close.

"No, you didn't. How cute was this wolf though? Can I come meet him?" He whispered, as I tried to push his hand off of my waist, feeling my face heat up as people around us whispered.

"Very cute. He's my dog now, so never. But he ran away, so..." I said slowly, glancing up at Chan.

"Hey, you look really good today. Did you sleep well last night?" I asked, reaching up to push his hair from his eyes.
He chuckled lightly. "Yeah, for once, I actually didn't have a nightmare. I feel good. It's nice."

I saw Minho out the corner of my eye, and so did Chan, as he kept his hand in mine, letting go of my waist.

I traced patterns on his hand, stepping slightly behind him as Minho wandered over to us.

"Chan." He acknowledged, before turning to me. "Y/N! We meet again! You weren't very chatty at lunch, everything okay?" He asked.

I just nodded. "Yeah, I'm just tired."

He reached out and grabbed my other hand, and I braced for the nauseous feeling that usually overcame me, but it didn't, and instead, I saw him furrow his brow.

"Oh." He said simply, glancing up at me, and the pendant around my neck.
"Oh." He repeated again, almost snarling up at Chan as he walked off, to head inside the class.

I looked up at Chan, a smile twitching on his lips.
"What was that about?" I said, as Chan shook his head.

"No idea, but he seemed angry. Maybe he doesn't like dogs?"

Once again when I was sitting at my desk and studying, and after the sun had set, the wolf bound back through my window, this time careful to keep his distance from me.

"You're back! Where did you run off to, boy?" I said, patting the area beside my desk as he walked over, allowing for me to scratch behind his ears.

The wolf rolled onto its back, as I couldn't help suppress my laughter.
"Okay, okay, just let me finish this school stuff up first, okay? Ah- you must be starving! What do you want?" I asked, getting off my chair as I knelt down, rubbing its stomach.

"Right... you can't answer me." I frowned, as the dog stood up and shook its head, before walking over to my school bag, and pulling a book out gently with its teeth.

I froze. Were wolves smart enough to do that?

He then reached up to my desk, pulling the open pen off, and with his mouth began to draw.
I sat there dumbfounded.

"What the fuck?"

The dog looked up at me, before pushing the book forward.

It had drawn a cake, as I just blinked in disbelief.

"I'll... go get you a cake then. I'm getting dinner, so just sit on the bed, okay?" I said, standing up slowly as it bounded onto the bed, watching me as I left the room.

Chan quickly changed back, laying on Y/N's bed with a grin.
"She looked terrified... ah, I can't wait to hear about this tomorrow. I'm glad she trusts me to tell me, actually." He mumbled, sitting up as he looked around the room.

He heard her phone buzz, as he wandered over.

New message from Felix

Chan balled his fists. "That bastard..."
He wanted to do anything to keep you away from him. He had to.

But it was also the fact that him and Felix were once friends. How did Chan not notice what he was?

Even years ago, he looked the exact same.
But did Felix recognise Chan? Maybe, but it didn't matter now.

They were on opposite sides, and that scared him.

It threatened Felix, but it scared Chan even more for your sake.

He just hoped the pendant around your neck would help protect you when he can't.

He heard shuffling from outside the room, so he swiped away Felix's message, and quickly transformed back, jumping up onto the bed.

I walked back in, a tray of food in my hand.
I placed it on my desk, patting my lap for the dog to come over.

He did, as he sat by my feet I grabbed a plate with cake on it, and held it on my lap.

"Step back so I can put it on the floor." I said, but the wolf just inched closer as I sighed, hovering the plate in front of his face instead.

He ate happily, and when he was done he walked in circles before lying down, his head in his paws.

I ate my own dinner, before wandering over to my wardrobe to get changed. I had already showered before I started studying, but I could never study in pyjamas - otherwise I'd fall asleep.

I glanced back at the wolf, whom was already asleep, as I shook my head.

"Y/N, it is a wolf, you can get changed in here, it's fine." I mumbled, getting dressed in the corner.

Chan heard you speaking, and as he glanced over in your direction he instantly turned away, knowing that if he was in human form, his face would have been flushed red.

Only your back was facing him, but you were gorgeous.
He didn't understand how he had managed to be your friend, really.

You were perfect. Perfect for him. Perfect for the world.

Chan decided that he loved you, more than he ever has before.

He was not going to let Felix, Minho, or any of the other vampires have you.

You guys were friends anyways, right?

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