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WARNING 18+ READERS ONLY- Sexual Content, profanity and mention of drugs.

1992 - Seattle

Nothing about my job is easy. In fact it's difficult most days. Get a client, meet said client, have sex with them, get paid and then on to the next one.

The one thing I love about it is the sex. I have always had a high sex drive and I guess that's what makes me good at being a professional whore, or Escort as I prefer to be called.

Most of the men I spend my time with are self obsessed and usually are married, the top in their own establishments and businesses and never without a line of Cocaine. Sometimes they treat me like the bottom of their pricey Brogues.
Luckily my boss doesn't tolerate disrespect to her employees and she stands up for us if a client is abusive or nasty. If I need time off she's pretty good with that too, the business is higher than street corner work so Tina makes sure we are treated well.

There is one client I've had for a while on and off, and I enjoy his company greatly.

Usually I get a call from him when he has a show with his band. It's kind of his celebration when he's had a good gig.

He has me lying on a table currently in a dressing room, my skirt hiked up to my waist as my leg is lifted up on him, the back of my ankle on his shoulder as he fucks me. He watches as he thrusts in and out of me and as my breasts jiggle from the movement of our bodies together.

He kisses me along my foot, locking eyes with me and then he throws his head back, eyes closed as he enjoys our intercourse.
His long blonde hair falling down his back and his mouth parted as he enjoys the feeling.

"Fuck." He says, his large and girthy cock filling me as he nears his climax.

"What's my name.." he says as he speeds his pace up.

"Oh god...Jerry!" I moan, nearing mine also.

"Damn...what you make me do..." Jerry said as he pulled out of me and started stroking himself.

I sat up slightly anticipating his warm seed to land either on my face, chest or stomach, as I circled my clit with my fingers. Soon I'm screaming his name as my orgasm washes over me.

"Shit...fuck" he says staggered, as I notice his usual cum face, before his white and sticky fluid shoots onto my face and drips down to my breasts.

I giggle as I get a little in my hair.

"You were full today..." I say as Jerry goes to find a towel to clear us both up. He always makes sure one is on hand in case we get into these messy situations.

He throws me a black hand towel and I wipe the semen from my face and breasts, and I see him clean the end of his shaft.

"I haven't had a chance to release...I was kind of waiting for this." He smirks.

Out of all my clients, Jerry Cantrell has always been my favorite. I've always thought he was incredibly handsome and has a presence about him that I feel is so sexy. I've never felt that way about my clients, until he called me. He never called me whore or used any demeaning names for me, it was either "babe" or "Taryn".

After we cleaned up I sat at the edge of the table as he came over and we embraced. We kissed passionately, and although this is a job for me, I enjoyed the affection he gave. His soft lips, his beard hair tickling the skin on my face as our mouths collided and the soft strokes he gave my cheek with his thumb as we kissed. It was perfect.

Suddenly the door burst open and we looked over.

"I forgot my...." Mike Starr began as he saw us both half naked.

"Jesus christ Mike!" Jerry yelled, pulling his pants up quickly.

I giggle. I don't really care who sees me naked.

"Shit sorry! I forgot my lighter...." he quickly came in and grabbed it and headed for the door.

"I'm going! You guys have fun..." Mike winked before shutting the door.

"Sorry about him." Jerry said "fucker always forget something."

"It's okay! Not the first time I've been burst in on." I smile, putting my black lacy bra back on.

Jerry gets closer to me again and kisses me. He puts his hand in his pocket and grabs some notes between his index and middle finger, and hands them to me.

I take the money and place it down the left cup of my bra.

"Thanks sugar." I say before straightening myself out and putting the clothes that had been thrown off during sex, back on.

"There's a little extra in there...." Jerry mentions.

"You don't have to give me anymore than what you give me already. You pay me enough." I smile.

"I was kinda wondering if you'd do me a favour." Jerry said.

"Oh...what kind of favour? What haven't we tried?" I smirk playfully.

Jerry chuckles at my comment and nods.

"Fair point...." he begins. "I actually wondered if you could cheer Layne up."

I look at him a little confused.

"Isn't Layne dating someone?" I ask. I hate to get involved with men who are in relationships, but I do it for the right pay.

"That's the reason. They broke up. He's been really quiet and I'm a little worried to be honest. I think he needs a good lay, and if there's one thing I'm sure about, it's that you can give one hell of one." Jerry winked.

"Ah I see. Poor Layne." I remark.

"Yeah probably gone to get fucked up...I'd rather he did the other kind of fuck...with someone I trust." Jerry admitted.

" okay with me doing that? I know you enjoy what we have." I ask.

"Yeah, I've never recommended anyone as much as I recommend you." Jerry admits.

"You're sweet Jerry." I say, stroking his cheek with my thumb.
"You want me to go tonight?"

"Maybe tomorrow after the show? One thing though...don't tell him I asked you to do this." Jerry said.

"Oh really...why?" I ask.

"He'd hate it if it were set up. Pretend you're a groupie or something." Jerry suggested.

I nodded. Layne doesn't know me. As far as he's concerned I'm probably Jerry's cum dumpster groupie friend.
"Sure. I'll catch him before he goes back home after the show."

"Thanks babe, you're the fucking best." Jerry replies.

So now I'll have two clients from Alice in Chains...just one doesn't realise I'm an Escort.

Faster We Run (Layne Staley! - Alice in Chains X OFC) OCWhere stories live. Discover now