So Close

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I hear the faucet run as Layne turns it on. I'm wet just thinking about what we are about to do and with how high his sex drive is right now, I feel like this will happen more regularly. I smile at the thought of being a lot more intimate with Layne.

I walk into the bathroom as Layne pours some bath foam into the tub.
He's topless now and bent over the bath as he holds the bottle of bath gel, while he checks the temperature.

"I like it steamy." I remark.

He looks up and turns to face me, the grin on his face growing.

He stands up straight now and walks over to me.

He holds up the bottle and reads the label.
"Peppermint and Ginseng. Should be good for the muscles. The nerves maybe. Ahh that's why..."

"What's that?" I ask.

"It's called 'sensual'. Why else would they name it that?" Layne winks at me. "It's fuck foam."

I giggle at his reply.

"Fuck foam? Seriously?" I smile.

"Yeah. You foam to fuck in..." Layne responds. He has that cheeky smirk which drives me wild.

He puts the bottle back in the cabinet just behind where I'm standing and turns back to see me topless.

My breasts stand perky as my nipples are erect from how fucking much I want this.

"Fuck Taryn..these for me?" He laughs.

"You bet your ass they are." I respond.

I'm a needy slut and I want him. Bad.

He moves closer to me and his face is just inches away from mine. My breath hitches slightly as I feel his on my skin. Layne places his hands around my waist gently and pulls me into him.

We kiss in a moment of passion as we close our eyes and take each other in. Physically, mentally and visually.

Layne backs me onto the bathroom wall. The coldness of the tiles hitting my skin as we unbuckle each other's belts.

"Couldn't you have worn one of those skirts...easier access." Layne says cheekily between kissing me.

"I'm sorry...uh...I didn't realise we were gonna fuck....oh god.." I say, feeling sexy as fuck during my enjoyment.

Layne wastes no time in ridding me of my black leather belt, and lowering my jeans.

I'm wearing the red silk g-string that Layne loves.

"These fucking things...make me want you even more.." he says.

I kneel down in front of him and unbuckle his belt and then unzip his flies. I feel his erect member through the fabric of his boxers and he groans as I rub it from the base to the tip.

Moments later, I'm releasing his hard and girthy cock from his boxers and I rub it up and down.

"Fuck, babe..." he says. "Put that pretty mouth around it."

I do as he says and take him all the way to the back of my throat, where his moans of pleasure are becoming more frequent.

"Babe...if you continue, I'm not gonna last." Layne says.

I look up at him innocently, my mouth still encasing his dick. I pull my mouth away from him and he begins rubbing himself just before he turns off the faucet water and steps into the bath.

I bite my bottom lip as I see him continuing to jerk himself off in the steamy, bubbly water.

I step out of my half pulled down jeans, turn around and place my thumbs under the band of my g-string and slowly pull them down, showing Layne my ass, and my throbbing pussy.

Faster We Run (Layne Staley! - Alice in Chains X OFC) OCWhere stories live. Discover now