A Stone's Throw

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WARNING 18+ READERS ONLY!!! Contains smut.

It wasn't unusual to find me with my legs above my head as a client fucked me, piledriving my pussy into oblivion, and quite honestly it was one of my favorite positions.

The current guy is doing this as I moan with delight.
He's good looking but rough in the sack, rough in a good way. I'm feeling an emotion I don't often feel when I'm working and that is guilt. Don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying the sex, but I keep thinking about Layne. Lately whenever I'm working I imagine he's the one pumping himself into me, even now during the pleasurable dunking this guy is giving me. I feel like if Layne found out about what I do, then he'll go back to that place he went when he broke up with his ex, and I really don't want that for him.

It really is just sex. It means nothing, apart from when I have a connection with someone, like I have with Layne. Then it means so much more to me and doesn't feel like a job I have to do.

The guy grabs a condom quickly from the draw in the bedside cabinet next to where he's screwing me, he tears off the foil packaging and rolls it onto his cock before slipping back inside of me.
I rub my clit and imagine Layne, closing my eyes as I hear my client near his climax.

He grunts as he empties his load into the condom inside my pussy, and I moan with pleasure as I cum with him, still picturing Layne.

"Baby...fuck that was awesome." The guy says.

I have no idea what his name is, but he pulls out of me, my juices on the outside of the condom and his cum on the inside, and falls next to me as I lower my legs.

He seems like the type of guy that wants to cuddle after sex, but right now I'm not interested.

I sit up on the edge of the mattress and reach for my bra, which I put on, fastening it at the back, then I stand and find my panties not far from the rest of my clothing.

The guy sees me dressing and keeps looking, like he admires me.

"You're so hot" He says, resting his head on his hand as his elbow leans on the pillow.

I don't reply and throw on my red mini dress and my over the knee boots.

"I'm gonna need that payment..." I say rather coldly.

"So what...that's it? No kiss? No hug?" The guys asks.

"You'd have to pay extra."

I'm really bullshitting him with that one.

"Seriously?" He replies.

"I'm sorry, look, I have other clients today and I'm on a tight schedule. It's nothing on you. I don't mean to be brash." I explain. "What's your name?"

(I don't have other clients)

"Stone. Stone Gossard." He says.

"Well maybe another time we can hug and kiss...just not right now. You're cute though." I reply.

"Sure." Stone says simply.

He gets up and scrambles to find his wallet, getting the cash out of it and handing it to me.

"Here. There's a little extra if you wanna treat yourself to something nice. Take your mind off of all the bozos you gotta entertain today." He smirks.

I giggle.
"You aren't one of them, and thank you. I appreciate that."

"No problem. Can I see you again?" He asks.

"You got my number..." I wink. "I gotta go."

"Sure, take care Taryn." He says.

Faster We Run (Layne Staley! - Alice in Chains X OFC) OCWhere stories live. Discover now