The Show

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The next day I had a few clients. One I'd seen before and two new ones.

One of them tended to be quite rough with me, but I have to tell them that if it gets to the point of bodily harm, I will leave. That seems to get him to calm down a little.

I don't stand for letting people mess me around, they get three strikes and if they can't act decent then I leave and blacklist their number.

In the Agency we have women who are more suited to deal with assholes and although I've had a few, I'm not one of them.

I get to my apartment after meeting the third client of the day, and take a much needed shower.
There's nothing like stepping into a steamy shower after a long day of prostitution...let me tell you!

It's 7pm after I step out of the shower cubicle and now I'm standing in front of my dresser with a pink towel wrapped around my torso, and a white towel I have fashioned into a turban over my long blonde locks to dry them.

I have to choose an outfit that screams 'Groupie!' Not 'Prozzie'.

There's a fine line between those two you get paid for.

I find a short floral dress and throw on some fishnets underneath. I pair with some DM's, going for that cutesy punk chick look...most guys, especially in the rock scene love that.

I style my hair so it's tousled at the ends, but almost poker straight from the roots and then I spritz some perfume on my erogenous points.

Finally I go for minimal make up with winged eyeliner and a glossy brown lip.

I end up getting to the venue at about 8:30pm, and see that the band are on at 9. Jerry gave me a ticket for tonight and a VIP lanyard, so I am able to watch the show, which is pretty damn awesome as I have to admit I really love their music.

I go to the bar and order a Jack and Coke, then head backstage.

I sip on the straw, dipped into my beverage, and do so quite seductively as I knock on the door to their dressing room.

The door opens and there are a few guards who notice my lanyard and step aside for me to enter.

The guys are having their photo taken with fans, most of them being women probably trying their best to get lucky tonight.

My eye catches Jerry's and he winks at me.

"Hey! Jerry's squeeze!" Mike says, remembering me from yesterday.

"I'm not his squeeze..." I reply.

"No...she's a groupie..." Jerry adds.

"Oh I get it...Nice..." Mike smiles.

I smile back.


I see Layne leaning against the wall with a leather jacket on and his eyes hidden by his black shades. He takes a drag of his cigarette, and blows the smoke to the side. He kind of looks over and then looks away.

I have to admit...he looks mysterious yet kinda hot. He doesn't say a word.

Usually I've seen him laughing and talking to others but not today. I'm understanding what Jerry means.

Jerry walks to the door and motions for me to join him secretly as he brushes past me.

I follow and he walks a little further down the hall outside the room.

"You look fucking amazing." He said, brushing a loose strand of my hair behind my ear.
"If I didn't ask you to be with Layne tonight, I'd suggest you coming home with me."

Faster We Run (Layne Staley! - Alice in Chains X OFC) OCWhere stories live. Discover now