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WARNING 18+ READERS ONLY, Mention of drug use and profanities.

I put my red dress back on and my boots and head to Layne's bedroom. I stand in front of the mirror, make up free after the shower and my wet hair flowing down my back. I find my purse and grab the mini hairbrush that I keep within it, and proceed to comb the brush through my soaked blonde tresses.

I hear some talking coming from the sitting room.

Layne has company? He didn't say anything to me....not to mention he is naked apart from the towel wrapped around his lower half.

After I finish detangling my long hair, I put my brush back in my purse and head out to the room where Layne is.

The other voice is familiar.

As I walk into the room, both sets of eyes are on me.

Layne with his sexy slicked back hair after our intimate shower and half naked body, and Jerry Cantrell standing there with a can of beer.

I haven't seen Jerry in at least a month, to say this is awkward is the fucking understatement of the century.

Jerry's eyes widen and he stares kind of in disbelief.

I look at him for a little bit longer than I should. Goddamn it. How does he always look so gorgeous?

If Layne and Jerry were to suggest a threesome with me right now...I would agree to it.

I'm a slut.

"Taryn?" Jerry says, Layne realising how awkward this is for all of us.

"Hi Jerry." I reply.

Layne comes over and kisses me, an indirect message to Jerry that we are a thing.

Jerry laughs to himself and nods, looking away while taking a sip of his beer. He has a cigarette lit too, which he takes a draw of after.

"Jerry came over to show me this." Layne says, showing me a magazine article about their new album 'Dirt'. A five star rave review that is promising for the band's future.

I take the article and read it.
I knew the album was good, but to see the response from music journalists and press was exciting. I was excited for them.

"Fuck, this is incredible! You guys are really going places!" I smile at both the men.

Jerry rolls his eyes and takes another drag of his cigarette.

I look at him and sigh.
"What?." I ask him.

He shrugs and pretends to ignore me.

"I'm giving you a fucking compliment Cantrell, what is your problem?" I add.

"Babe, it's okay." Layne says, trying to keep the peace.

He knows me and Jerry have some kind of history, but just not how it began or continued on for that matter.

"It's okay Layne...she's just bitter because I called her what she really is." Jerry responds. "But I'm guessing she hasn't told you that part."

I feel anger rise from within, I could cry in frustration.

"What?" Layne asks, understandably confused.

"Don't you fucking dare." I warn Jerry, hurt and feeling part of my heart breaking.

Layne looks at me quizzically, like he wants an answer.

Jerry laughs and takes a swig of his beer.
"Your girlfriend fucks good dude, I'm not the only one to say so..."

"Please don't do this Jerry." I almost beg, tears forming.

"Can someone please tell me what the fuck is going on?" Layne asks now.

"The only reason you guys hooked up is because of me. I paid her to speak to you, to fuck you the night she got into the cab with you." Jerry admitted. "I wanted you to feel better after what happened with Dem, although it didn't work out as planned."

Layne looks at me.
"Is that true?"

I look at him like I'm begging for forgiveness.

"I paid her to fuck me...except we'd screw outside of her working hours and she didn't charge me. We had something...even she will admit that." Jerry added to his story.

"Taryn, talk to me. What the hell is he talking about?" Layne asks.

My face shows my guilt, my eyes full of tears.

"Tell him Taryn...I had you on that table, up against the wall, I fucked you in the ass...without protection. Only one of those times you charged me...remember babe?" Jerry said, walking over to me.

Layne falls silent.

He doesn't know what to say.

"I'm sorry Layne...I should have been up front with you about the first night I spent with you..." I say. "I was going to tell you in my own way."

Layne can't look at me now. He just looks to the floor, like he's trying to piece together all the information.

"" I say. "Please say something." I beg.

He looks at me in annoyance.

"Layne..." I continue.

He sits on the sofa and takes a snort of the white powder on the coffee table. Like it's going to make him feel better or something.

"Well...I'll leave you two to talk this out." Jerry says, putting his leather Jacket on.

I turn to see him and walk over, taking his beer can from him and screw it up, throwing it to the floor.

"Why Jerry? Why do you have to be an asshole?" I say, pissed off.

"That was a perfectly good can..." Jerry replied.

"I trusted you...I gave everything to you.  You got jealous because I fell for Layne..." I state with sorrow in my voice.

Jerry looks at me now, the realisation of what he did showing on his face. Like he feels bad.

"I could get any woman I want, why would I be jealous of him being with a nasty hooker?" Jerry says spitefully, trying to hide that he cares.

I look at his in disbelief at his words. A tear falls down my cheek and my bottom lip trembles slightly.

"Both of you, leave"

I look over to Layne who is still sat on the sofa.

"Baby, I..."

"Just get out." Layne says, clearly hurt. "I need to be alone."


"Please...just...leave." He says.

"I'll see you at rehearsals tomorrow bud." Jerry says to Layne, before leaving and slamming the door shut.

I walk over to Layne, who is still on the couch.
"Please let me explain what happened?"

"What about 'leave' don't you get? I need to figure this out alone." Layne says harshly, and rightly so.

I nod and my face looks to the floor.

"I'm so so sorry."
I say.

I grab my jacket and throw it on, picking up my purse and place it over my shoulder.

I leave and rush to the elevator. Once I'm inside, I break into tears and my back slides down the wall to the floor.

Whatever me and Layne had has now been shattered and Jerry seems pretty happy with himself.

Once I hail a cab, I get in and tell the driver my address.
I get into the back of the car and sob silently.

Faster We Run (Layne Staley! - Alice in Chains X OFC) OCWhere stories live. Discover now