I Think About You

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WARNING 18+ READERS ONLY!!! Mention of drug use and sexual themes.

One Month later

I've been seeing Layne in secret for a while now since we met. I enjoy his company and I love the way he makes me feel. It's like I'm the only woman in existence with him and he actually gives a damn about me. Maybe it's because he's still not aware of what I do for a living, but I honestly don't want to tell him. Despite my love for sex and the pay, I'm thinking of giving it all up for him. I can't bear to see him hurt if he finds out I fuck other men for money, worse...that our first meeting had the intention of that very thing, but orchestrated by me and his friend. Until I started to fall for him.

Yep, I'm hopelessly into Layne. He is sensitive but not outwardly, he can play the part of 'one of the guys', but underneath it all, he is a gentle soul.

Jerry probably knows about us. I haven't spoken to him since we had that falling out, and I miss him. His touch, the way he looks at me when he wants to have his way, the way he kisses me. I feel like the most beautiful woman on the planet around him, but around Layne, I feel like the most loved and appreciated.

Layne has cut back on the amount of Heroin he's been using, which is better than how he was a few weeks ago when I met him. I like to think he feels he has something to keep going for even after him and his ex's painful split. I admit I joined him during a  session snorting the white stuff...but that occasion for me is extremely rare and that is how I'd like to keep it.

We are walking down town holding hands, not giving a damn who sees us. I wouldn't have pictured Layne as a guy who packs on the PDA, but I love that he does. He kisses me in front of people and he doesn't give a care to what people think.

I'm in awe of this man.

"So...what you wanna do?" He asks me as we walk past the Starbucks at Pike Place.

"Hmm, good question. Wanna get some lunch?" I reply.

"Sure thing. Pick somewhere, it's on me." He smiles.

He puts his arm around my shoulders as he walks beside me, and our fingers intertwine as I bend my elbow up so my hand can meet his.
We walk like this for a little while and end up at a small cafe on the corner.

We walk in and find a two seated table, and Layne pulls my chair out for me to sit on before he sits opposite me. Such a gentleman. God damn.

He picks up the menu and reads the options, still with his sun shades on.

I see some people on the table next to us staring at Layne, probably trying to work out if it's him or not.

Layne looks over from the menu at the table and smiles.

"Take a picture...it'll last longer." He smirks, that sly sass I've come to love about him.

"Uh...sorry man...are you Layne Staley?" One of the men asks.

Layne nods his head slightly and continues to smile at the man.

"Holy shit! Alice in Chains are my favorite band...can I have a picture with you?" The fan asks, slightly flustered and nervous.

"Sure" Layne replies, putting the menu down.

He stands and the man tries to play it cool as he stands awkwardly beside Layne.

The guys friend takes a picture of them both and after, Layne sits back down to join me.

'Sorry about that." He says.

"No it's fine! You're a rock star and a frontman at that, people are bound to notice you!" I laugh. "It's sweet you give them the time of day."

"Those people are the reason I have what I have, the reason I have the opportunity to make music and survive on it." He explains.

"That's so true." I reply.

"So...you know what you're having?" Layne asks me, skimming down the menu again.

"Yeah...pancakes and maple syrup. I have one heck of a sweet tooth." I smile.

"Good choice...I'm eyeing up the cheese burger..." he responds.

"Nice...you can't go wrong." I say.

A waitress comes over and takes our order. She's so stunning, I'm surprised Layne doesn't look her up and down, but no. He doesn't really pay her much attention, other than to take the order and be polite in doing so.
A far cry from what Jerry would do. I've caught him staring at other women when we have been together, although I guess we weren't officially a couple. I didn't care much if he did, that's just who he was, but it did make me more aware of my whore status. Like I'm only there to serve a purpose and nothing else. However, I know too well that Jerry thought of me as more than that.

Layne takes my hands into his on the top of the table, and caresses the back of mine with his thumbs.
It's a tender touch that makes me a little weak at the knees.

"I could hold these hands all day." He smiles.

"Then why don't you? I'm not gonna stop you." I say in approval.

"I think I just might." He jokes, that adorable smile of his widening.

A few moments later our food arrives and we tuck into the dishes.

"These are so...uh...oh god...so good." I say with a mouthful of fluffy buttermilk pancakes.

"You and those wanna get a room or something?" Layne laughs. "If I could make you react that way, I would be damn proud of myself."

"You have..." I reply, mysteriously.

"But we haven't..." Layne says a little confused.

I place my cutlery down on the table for a second and lean over and whisper;
"I've thought about you....when I've been in the bath...the shower...in bed..."

I see his smile turn to him licking his lips as I describe my masturbation sessions.

"So I would say you already have made me react that way." I wink.

"That's fucking hot..." he replies.

"I screamed your name the other night when I was going to town on myself with my vibrator...too much info?" I tease.

"Not enough if I'm honest. I think you're gonna have to show me how you do it...you know...for research purposes." He winks.

He looks down and I wonder whats wrong.

"You okay?" I ask.

"Yeah, I may have to sit here for a little while...and we need to change the subject..." he smirks. "I got a raging boner because of you."

I giggle and bite my bottom lip.

"I have that effect..." I say playfully.

"Wanna go back to mine after this?" Layne asks as he continues to eat his burger.

"Sure...but didn't you want us to take it slow?" I ask.

"A month is fine." He smiles. "I need to feel you."

"I can't wait." I smile back, shovelling pancakes into my mouth faster now. I need him to fuck me, and I'm not gonna waste anytime.

After we finish our meals, Layne pays the bill and tips generously.

We get up and hold hands again as we walk back to Layne's apartment.

Faster We Run (Layne Staley! - Alice in Chains X OFC) OCWhere stories live. Discover now