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After saying yes to his marriage proposal, I spent the day with Layne and stayed overnight. The sex was incredible and we found ourselves initiating in round 5 by around 2am. His stamina was insane after being sober, a little different to before.
We talked for a little bit between our steamy interactions, catching up on life. I told him I got a job with Pearl Jam doing some admin for them and he was thrilled. Happier knowing I wasn't going to sell myself to the next random guy who calls me. I explained to him I found out through Stone Gossard, who I'd slept with and I apologised I didn't tell him about my Escort work before Jerry did. He accepted my apology and proceeded to tell me that Jerry can get a little cocky after a few beers, and being with Jerry for a while, I came to understand that. Although it's kind of why I find him so sexy...the drive he has.

We drifted into a peaceful sleep shortly after he came inside me for the 5th time of the evening, and found comfort in knowing we were together.

I didn't have a ring to show my engagement to Layne, but I didn't need one. The fact he's with me and asked me to be his wife is all I need.

The next morning I'm awoken by the door bell and Layne isn't beside me. I open my eyes gradually, seeing the light peering in through the window.

"What the hell?" I say to myself and look at the clock on the side. Thinking it was something like 7am, my eyes shoot open at seeing it's 12pm.
I should have been at work like 2 hours ago.

"Shit!" I say and jump out of bed and rush to the bathroom to freshen up.

Moments later I pull my clothes on, put a little make up on and grab my bag, heading out to the lounge.

I see Layne in a robe, with a cup of coffee, playing some game on the TV. He's so cute with his longish messy hair and his eyes staring at the screen intently. As I walk in he notices I'm fully dressed and he pauses the game, putting the controller down on the coffee table.

"Hey future wife..." he grins, getting up and then walking to me.

"Hey" I smile, as he takes the back of my head with his hand gently, and pulls me in for a kiss. I bite my bottom lip after, desperately wanting round 6 to happen, damn work.

"Can I get you something to eat? Toast? Coffee?" He asks.

"No thanks babe, I gotta go to work. I'm already 2 hours late." I reply.

"Shit I had no idea you were working...fuck. Want me to drive you?" He asks.

"Only if that's okay with you, but you honestly don't have to." I smile.

"Anything for my fiancee...let me just put some clothes on real quick and I'll get my keys." Layne says, kissing me on the cheek before heading to the bedroom.

God I love him so much. Even more like this. Usually he wouldn't drive because he was using, but now he's clean, he is more than happy to.

Moments later he emerges again, in jeans and a 'My Sister's Machine' shirt, and he grabs his keys from a bag on the kitchen counter top.

"Ready?" He asks.

When we get to the car, I get in the passenger side and he gets in the drivers side and I remember the doorbell going off, waking me.

"Layne....who was at the door this morning?" I ask.

"Oh it was a delivery from my Mom. She got me a care package to congratulate me." He replies.

"That's really sweet." I smile.

"Yeah it is. She's great. I just don't know why she's congratulating me. I didn't get this when Facelift or Dirt got in the Billboard 100." He chuckles.

Faster We Run (Layne Staley! - Alice in Chains X OFC) OCWhere stories live. Discover now