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WARNING 18+ READERS ONLY. Sexual content/smut

We get back to Layne's apartment and as soon as the door closes behind us, I feel Layne's fingers comb through my hair as he kisses me passionately.

I can already feel how hard he is for me as he backs me against the wall. He's not rough with me, but he wants to do things his way and I'm am so okay with that.

In my line of work, I'm usually expected to be a certain way. If the guy isn't dominating the sex, it'll be me who has to take charge and damn, I'm good at that. Today though, I'm all Layne's and I want him to touch me in everyway that he wants.

He groans against my lips as we kiss, and he takes off his jacket, throwing it to the side and I help him remove his shirt in between our lips touching.

I scramble for his belt and remove it quickly, something which I've become a pro at as a whore.

I feel his length as my hand moves beneath the band of his boxer shorts, so thick and hard for me as I pump his member up and down the shaft.

"I haven't been as hard as this in a while." He smiles.

I remove my denim jacket and it falls to the floor and my fingers thread through his hair now as we french kiss. My right leg hooks around him so my intimacy and his are touching through our clothing.

His kisses make me wetter as I feel his tongue against mine, the sensual feeling between us both, travelling to our most sensitive points.

Layne's right hand travels up my thigh, underneath my floral dress and stops for a second noticing something.

"You're a naughty panties..." he says with that smile which makes me melt. "Were you without them in the cafe?"

I nod seductively and pretend to look innocent.

"Yes daddy." I say with pouty lips.

"Damn..." Layne replies. "Open your legs for me. I wanna feel how wet you are."

I feel his fingers slide between my folds and I'm already wet and my clit is swollen from how horny and turned on I am.

"'re like a river down there...." he states.

He gets on his knees and his head disappears up my dress as I feel the warmth from his tongue caress my throbbing pussy.

I place both my hands on top of his head as he proceeds to eat me out. I whimper as his wet and skilled tongue licks from my hole to my clit in one motion.

"Mmm, you taste so good." He says as I gasp at his touch.

"Don't stop Layne..." I say as I feel my pussy soaking wet.

He sucks on my clit and licks it while he proceeds to insert two fingers into my opening, speedily pumping them in and out of me.

"Layne...oh god..." I moan.

He inserts another finger until he's practically fisting my pussy with his large hand. I feel the rings he has on as they enter my hole.

"Fuck..." I say and I feel like I'm gonna cream on his hand.

"You're so wet for me...cum on my fist." He orders.

"Oh god!" I say, writhing in pleasure at his touch and his words.

"Does that feel good? You're such a dirty slut, taking my fist into your pussy..." he says dirty.

I've never seen him or heard him like this. I fucking love it.

"Layne...I'm gonna the dirty whore I am!!!" I say, pretending that those words are just for role-playing...sadly that's not the case.

"Oh shit shit shit!!!" I exclaim quite loudly.

I feel the wave wash over me as I reach a euphoric feeling. My cum covers his hand and I'm fucking loving it, and so is he.

"Oh yeah...Babe...Fuck." He says, continuing to play with me until I ride out my wave.

I collapse against him and he holds me up as my legs give way after that earth shattering orgasm.

"That was so fucking sexy." Layne states.

"On the couch..." I order.

"Yes ma'am" Layne replies without question.

He sits and lowers his jeans as well as his boxers. His cock pings out of his underwear and he is hard as stone, not to mention a lot bigger than I expected him to be. He is probably an inch and a half smaller than Jerry, but Jerry's cock is the biggest I've ever had. He is huge. I'm impressed by Layne's size though, he's a lot bigger than most men I've been with.

I kneel in front of Layne, in between his legs and hold his member as I pump it up and down. I start slower and then build up the speed as I go on.

My lips move over his cock and I bob my head up and down as he moans slightly at the oral I give him.

Expletives leave his mouth as I look at him mid-blowjob. I look like a cum guzzling slut as my saliva drips down his length.

"Damn Taryn...." Layne says.

I feel some pre cum on the tip of his penis and I taste the salty but sweet flavour of him as it releases.

I stand up now, my mouth leaving his member and I do a little strip tease for him. I move the straps of my dress down my shoulders and my dress falls down my body and to the ground. I am completely naked underneath and my nipples stand erect for him, the insides of my thighs glistening with my juices after my climax.

Layne looks at me, barely breaking eye contact as he touches himself now, jacking himself off to my glowing, nude body.

"Wanna take this to the bedroom now?" I ask with a smirk.

"Fucking, yes" Layne replies without hesitation.

He gets up, still stroking himself.

I walk seductively to his bedroom and he follows behind me, checking my ass out.

We kiss as we enter the room once more, our naked bodies now meeting for the first time.

"You know...this isn't gonna take long..." Layne says with a grin.

"Because you haven't done it in a while?" I ask him.

"That and... you're fucking beautiful." He replies.

I giggle and push him onto the bed as I straddle him. He moves his head up to the pillows and I move with him.

I take his cock in my hand underneath me and move it into my sopping wet pussy.

"Fuck Layne.." I say as I take all of him.

I move my body up and down on him, his hard and thick dick deep inside me. I begin to move quicker and my breasts move with me as I work on him.

Layne gropes my tits and as I move down to kiss him, he takes one of my nipples into his mouth, gently biting and pulling, sending me feral.

"I gonna fucking cream all over you" I say, nearing another orgasm.

"Do it...I wanna feel you come undone." Layne replies.

My movements become a little sloppy as I near my orgasm.

"Uuhh...Layne!" I yell as I feel my self get closer and closer.

"Cum for me...fuck...just like that." He replies.

I can feel I have hit a spot for him as I ride him harder and faster now.

"Taryn...I need to pull out...otherwise I'm gonna shoot my cum inside you..." Layne says staggered.

"It's okay, I'm on the pill." I say, my breathing heavy now as I'm so close.

"FUUUUCK!" I Scream as I shake violently on his cock, twitching from the orgasm that is shifting over me.

"Shit...I'm cumming..." Layne says as I hear him groan with pleasure.

I feel his hot seed fill up my pussy as I notice his face contort at the pleasure.
He's so gorgeous, and especially during this feeling of ecstasy and we both ride out our orgasm.

I move off of him and collapse into his arms and we have a peaceful night after our extremely kinky and sexy game with each other.

Faster We Run (Layne Staley! - Alice in Chains X OFC) OCWhere stories live. Discover now