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The next evening I'm sitting in my apartment on the couch after another day of work. I have a glass of wine in one hand and the TV remote in the other as I flick through the channels.

I'm dressed in my comfies. A pair of grey lounge pants, a white tank top and a grey cropped sweater over the top. My hair is in a messy bun and my make up is gone, not by choice, but probably due to the intercourse I engaged in throughout the day and the oral I gave a few of my clients.

I hear a knock at the door and my face shows the confusion I feel as I'm not expecting anyone.

I turn the TV to standby and get up and answer the door.
I look through the peep hole in the door and smile to myself.

I open the door to see a familiar face.

"Jerry...hey." I smile.

" free?" He asks looking me up and down suggestively.

I nod.
"Come in."

I open the door wider and he walks in, a bottle of Jack in one hand.
"I got you a gift..." he says, lifting the bottle up.

I take it from him and find a couple of whiskey glasses in the back of one of my cupboards. I take them out and undo the bottle, pouring a little into each tumbler.

"Thanks Jer." I say, handing him one of the glasses.

He downs the drink instantly and I join him a little bit after.

My face grimaces slightly at the shock of the alcoholic beverage going down my throat. I love a Jack, but the first one is always a little bitter.

Jerry puts his glass down on the counter top and takes mine from me when I'm done with it, placing it next to his.

Suddenly I feel him slam me against the wall, pinning me down by my wrists, either side of my head.

He begins to kiss my neck and I whimper at his touch. I love it when he is spontaneous.

His lips meet mine and we kiss passionately.

"Damn. I can't keep away from you." Jerry says between our kisses.

He lifts me up, still kissing each other and I wrap my arms and legs around him as he walks us to my bedroom.

He knows my place like the back of his hand. We must have fucked in every room about four times at least over the duration of knowing each other.

He lays me down on my bed and my hands are either side of his face as we continue to play tonsil hockey, his body above mine.

Randomly, my mind is diverted away from Jerry for the first time since knowing him. The face I see as I close my eyes is Layne's.

I haven't even slept with him and I guess he made an impression on me. I can't deny Jerry gets me going like no one else, but right now I have this strange feeling. Almost like I feel bad for Layne. We have a connection and I'm fucking his best friend and band mate. Usually it's part of my job to do this but me and Jerry have had sex together outside of my work and this is one of those times.

Jerry kisses down to my neck and I'm thinking of Layne again.

Jerry unzips his jeans and I pull my lounge pants down along with my panties. He throws his shirt off, and it lands somewhere in the corner.

He doesn't waste anytime and slides himself into me. I'm already wet and ready for him.

"Fuck, so tight babe." He says, beginning to thrust into me.

Faster We Run (Layne Staley! - Alice in Chains X OFC) OCWhere stories live. Discover now