Learning You

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WARNING!! Mention of drug use.

I get to Layne's place at around 7pm, its a little chilly this evening so I decide to wear some burgundy corduroy overalls with a black long sleeved top underneath, with my converse to complete the look.

I'm guessing after the incredibly short mini dress I wore the other night, Layne would probably be a little shocked to see me so covered up...unless he just doesn't notice.

I have only spent one night with him and not between the sheets, instead talking and getting to know him. I still have much to learn about him but I feel comfortable around him.

I'm so pissed at Jerry, I don't know what his deal is, although I can sense a little jealousy from him. I know he is a client and my best one, but we have spent time together outside of that so I guess I can see where his envy comes from.
Although we aren't in a relationship...maybe he wishes we were. I don't know...I like him a lot...but Layne is intriguing to me, if he wanted to use me as a groupie he would have done that by now...surely?

I press the buzzer to his apartment outside and he answers.

"Yeah?" He says, I can hear him puffing on a cigarette.

"Hey Layne...it's Taryn." I reply.

I hear the buzz to signal the door is unlocked and I head up to his place.

Once I've taken the elevator up to his floor, I walk to his door and knock on it. I can hear the sound of him unchaining the lock and the click of the handle as he opens it.

"Hey." He smiles.

His hair is blond and curly, messy but in a cute way. He has a Mudhoney shirt on and his ripped Jeans from the other night.

His eyes are different. They are half open and I think his pupils are dilated. Maybe the heroin that Jerry warned me about? Maybe something else? I can't tell.

"Hi.." I reply.

"You look nice." He says, taking a draw from his cigarette. "Wanna come in?"

"I mean I made it all the way here..." I say with an extra slice of sass.

He laughs at me slightly. He has a nervous laugh, like if there's an awkward interaction. It's cute.

I keep thinking of 'cute' when I picture Layne and I'm not sure why. Maybe because he's not like most of the people in his circle. Jerry, Sean and Mike are very similar in the sense that they want to pick up women and bed them, but Layne isn't like that. Sure, he's probably had groupies and had one night stands but he seems like he enjoys the deeper parts of a person's identity.

The way he stroked my hair the other night, the way he just wanted to talk about music...he loves art and the intricacies that make up a creative vision. I guess I'm wildly attracted to that.

Layne closes the door behind me as I enter his apartment.

I see on the table he is letting something boil. A spoon with a brown substance on it that is almost completely liquid.

"What's this?" I ask him.

"My downfall." He says.

I can tell he has done some of it already, by the discarded syringe resting on the table. There's also some cocaine in a baggy next to the equipment .

I nod.
"Just be careful. You're too good for that shit."

"It makes me feel less helpless....until the come down..." he admits.

"I'm sure you could do other things that would help you. What about your art?" I ask.

"It reminds me of her. She's creative too and we did a lot of work together, so I kind of associate it with her." Layne replies.

He has a mark on his arm..several actually, where he has stuck himself.

"Mind if I make a coffee?" I ask him.

"Sure." He responds.

"Want one?" I offer as I put my bag down on the armchair.

"That would be great. Thanks." He smiles.

I don't want to see what he does to himself regarding the drugs, so I go to the kitchen and brew the coffee in the filter jug.

Once I've waited for the coffee to drip into the jug, I pour some into 2 mugs and add some milk with a little sugar.

I go back to the living room with both mugs in hand, seeing Layne with a tourniquet at the top of his arm of his now shirtless torso, as he tilts his head back looking like he is experiencing pure euphoria. This syringe has been placed next to the other one he used.

I place the coffee down on the table and take a seat next to him.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"Yeah." He smiles, he looks over to me and takes my hand into his.

I also place my coffee mug down on the table.

"How do you feel?" I ask him.

"Fucking amazing. And...kinda horny..." he states, squeezing my hand a little.

I giggle to myself.

I hate seeing him using, hopefully if I hang with him a little more I can persuade him to come off of it, although it won't be easy as he's an addict. I don't want to see him hurt himself.

He places his free hand to my cheek and feels the softness of my porcelain skin as he pulls himself closer to me.
I automatically move in closer and our lips meet. Our first kiss together is special and meaningful. I taste the tobacco from the cigarette he has been smoking, and we pull away from each other a little, making sure we both want this.

"Fuck..." he says.

"What?" I giggle.

"You taste perfect...and you have the most beautiful lips." He replies.

We move in again and continue to make out on the couch. Our tongues meet as we fall into each other's touch.

Layne stops to pull the tourniquet off of his arm and then his lips crash onto mine again, but now with a fierceness and passion.

I can't take anymore of the niceties.

I move closer to him and straddle his lap, my intimacy above his as we are fully clothed.

Both my hands touch either side of his face as his mouth continues it's dominant assault on mine.

I pretend to grind on his lap, feeling his hardness as I do.
I can feel myself getting wet as he places his hands on either side of my waist.

My hands now move into his hair and they comb through it as our make out session becomes steamy.

Layne plays with my large tits over my clothing as we explore each other, and I eventually palm his cock on the outside of his jeans.

"Taryn, babe..." he says delicately.

Immediately I'm reminded of Jerry, who always calls me 'babe'.

"Yeah?" I reply, kissing down to his neck.

"Fuck...that feels good." He says, almost losing his mind over my touch.

"What is it?" I ask? Continuing my sensual kissing on his skin. "Wanna take this to the bedroom?"

"Believe me...I want this...but I've just come out of a relationship...can we take this a little slower? I want to fuck you good, but I want us to get to know each other a little more. I really dig you." He tells me.

I move my head up from his neck and kiss him on the lips once more.

"Sure. I like that plan. Usually guys are so eager to fuck me before they even get to know my name...this is refreshing to me." I smile. Grateful he wants more than a quicky.

"I'm not like other guys...and you definitely aren't like other women...in the best fucking way." Layne smiles.

"Can we keep making out? I'm really into this..." I admit.

"Please don't stop babe...I love how your lips feel on mine."
Layne says.

We continue to kiss and touch each other for at least 30 more minutes, and then we listen to the new Gruntruck record until the early hours of the morning, wrapped in each others embrace.

Faster We Run (Layne Staley! - Alice in Chains X OFC) OCWhere stories live. Discover now