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WARNING 18+ READERS ONLY. Mention of suicide and drug use and slight smut.

A month later

Layne has been in rehab for a while now since his OD, and I miss him. His awkward laugh, his smile, that gorgeous mop of blonde curls and my fingers running through them. The intelligent talks we have about video games, poetry and music are another thing. I guess just hearing his voice is something I want more than anything.

Today he is discharged from treatment due to his excellent progress in staying sober. He has to check in every week with a specialist to see whether or not he is getting better or relapsing, but I'm determined to help him as best I can.
Mike is picking him up from the facility, and I offered to go with him to surprise Layne.

We talked in the hospital that day he took his life into his own hands. We spoke about my job back then as an Escort and how he wished I'd told him at the start, and I agreed. I pleaded for forgiveness and told him I never intended for him to find out the way he did.
He seemed to be okay mentally after I explained the situation, but Layne will say he's fine and then act the opposite.
He was put on suicide watch the whole 24 hours after his excessive use of heroin, and I stayed with him until he was able to leave for rehab.

I grabbed some clothes for him and toiletries from his apartment, and gave them to one of the nurses at the treatment center. I haven't seen him since and today is finally the day I get to speak to him again.

I am sitting watching some god awful day time TV in a pair of ripped Jeans and a cute cropped Candlebox shirt, with converse completing my outfit.

There are a few loud honks from outside as Mike notifies me he is here. I turn the TV on standby and grab my green plaid hooded jacket from the coat rack before heading out.

Mike is nodding his head to some music, it sounds like Primus. He has his sun glasses on as he looks ahead and then over to me as I approach the car and get in.

"Hey Mike. Thanks for letting me come with you." I say, putting the seatbelt across my body.

"No problem." He says.

He seems a little low. A little down and out. Usually Mike is super hyped about everything but not this time. I haven't even seen him look so solemn, and it worries me a little.

"You okay?" I ask, before Mike drives off.

"My best friend has been in rehab for a month and I've been on the same stuff he no, not really. To top it off....I..." he replies, pausing at the end, like he finds it hard to say. "I got fired from the band."

I look at him in shock, almost questioning whether or not this is a joke.

"What? Please say that's not true." I say, as he continues to drive.

"Yeah it is. I fucked up, the same reason as Layne...but I'm not the lead singer so I guess I'm fucking replaceable." Mike scathes.

"I'm sorry to hear that Mike. That's fucking awful. So it was drugs they gave as the reason?" I asked.

"Yeah. Ironic, huh?" Mike replies.

"Well yeah, especially as the whole band takes them in one form or another." I add. "You are made for bigger things Mike, I know it. You're a killer bass player and you got the whole package. Just give it time." I say, trying to lighten the mood.

I realise that this will also affect Layne as Mike is his best friend.

"Thanks. Now I gotta be enthusiastic for Layne. I can't let my buddy down." Mike smiles.

Faster We Run (Layne Staley! - Alice in Chains X OFC) OCWhere stories live. Discover now