Waiting Game

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I get to the hospital and rush to the front desk.

"Can I help you Miss?" The receptionist asks.

"Yeah..um...my friend was rushed here...." I replied.

"Can I take their name?" She asks.

"Layne. Layne Staley." I say.

"Taryn" I hear from behind me.

I turn to see Jerry, looking broken. I've never seen him that way before. He seems lost, his eyes covered with his shades. He looks almost like he is trying to puzzle what has happened together.

"Hey. How is he?" I ask, still pissed off with him.

"He's...hanging in there. Still asleep but the doctors say he'll pull through." Jerry replies.

I nod.

It feels awkward between us. I think he feels guilty as his voice seems quieter and more sympathetic.

"Ma'am..." the receptionist calls, causing me to turn back to the front desk.
"You can go see him but he's not awake. You know where you're going?"

I look back to Jerry and nod, then back to the receptionist.

"Yes, thank you." I reply.

I walk with Jerry to the ward where Layne is.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

I shake my head.
"Not really. I'm worried about him."

"Yeah. Me too. I feel like it was kinda my fault for what I said. Cocaine mouth and alcohol brain just wouldn't let go of the fact you and Layne were together." He admits. "Jealous asshole."

"Yeah, you were a jerk. No offence." I say bluntly.

He laughs awkwardly.
"I was. I'm sorry. I just guess I miss you. I can't help but think if I didn't say anything, Layne wouldn't have OD'd."

My bottom lip trembles slightly. I hold back the tears that are threatening to fall.
"I was going to tell him about myself and what I do. I don't know how he would have reacted to that."

We walk to the ward and I see Mike sitting in the waiting room, slumped on the chair.

"Hey Mike..." I say as I approach.

He looks over and stands, giving me a hug.

"Are you alright?" I ask.

"As good as you can be in this situation. You?" He replies.

"Fucking awful." I say.

Mike has known about me and Layne when no one else did. They are both best friends and have an understanding that the other guys in the band probably don't.

"What's happening." I ask him.

"Layne's mom and dad are in there with him. Demri is on the way." Mike says. "He's gonna need rehab after this."

I nod. That's it. Nope.
Tears start to fall as I look in the window of the room he is in. He has an oxygen mask on and a cannula in his hand, while his family sit either side of his bed.

Jerry notices the pain I feel. He walks behind me and rubs my back.

"It's okay. He'll be okay." He assures me.

I turn and fall into his arms.

I never cry in front of anyone, not until now that is.

My face buried in his chest as he strokes my hair.
"I hate this. I fucking hate this." I sob.

Faster We Run (Layne Staley! - Alice in Chains X OFC) OCWhere stories live. Discover now