Unexpected Days

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I'd seen a few clients since the situation with Layne and Jerry. I really want to quit the Escort work and get something else, but honestly it's the one thing I know I'm good at and brings in a good wage.

I am with Stone again, he has me bent over a desk in his apartment study, as he enters me from behind.

He is damn good at sex, but I'm not enjoying it like the first time I got with him. I stare down at the desk as he screws me, thinking about Layne, feeling awful about how he found out about me. Jerry fucking me over because of his jealousy.

I don't know why I give a damn about what Jerry thinks. He is sleeping with a new woman probably every night, that's what he does. I was the only constant female paying him the attention he craved though, before I fell for Layne.

"Fuck yeah..." Stone says as his motions become harder and faster now. Thrusting in and out of me, his cock feeling my wetness as I now react.

I moan as my pussy is contracting around his member.

"You're a dirty girl" He says as he continues to plough me. "Uhh Fuck!"

"God...Stone..." I reply feeling a wave of ecstasy wash over me. I'm such a whore. Literally and figuratively.

Stone spanks my ass before bringing his hand back to my waist, opposite his other one, pulling me onto his dick harder and faster.

He pulls me off of him quick and I turn around. He pushes me down to my knees in front of him as he jerks himself off, then I take him in my mouth, his hands pulling my hair back to a makeshift pony tail so he can ram himself down my throat. My left hand fondles his nutsack as my right jerks his cock off as it's inside my warm mouth.

"I'm gonna cum" Stone says, his pace staggered as he nears his climax.

I continue giving him the blow job of his dreams before he shoots his cum into the back of my throat.

I swallow every last drop of his seed, as I see him from below, tilt his head back in euphoria.

He groans.

Once he is done, I remove my mouth from his length and stand up.
I turn away, about to grab my clothes when he grabs my wrist.

I'm confused. He just came, what else does he need? He wants to go again maybe?

I turn back.
"You okay?" He asks, removing his hand from my arm.

I look at him confused.
"Yeah why?"

"You just seem lost. Different to last time." He replies.

"I'm fine." I respond.

"If you wanna talk about it...I'm a pretty good listener..." he smiles.

I smile back slightly.
"Thanks. Just...guy trouble. You mind if I use your bathroom, I need to clean up."

"Yeah sure. I'll make us some coffee." He states, pulling his jeans on.

"Thanks" I say.

I grabbed my clothing from the floor and headed off to the bathroom.

After 15 minutes, I emerge from the
bathroom, dressed. The smell of fresh coffee hitting my senses.
I see Stone on the couch, two coffee cups on the table in front, while he strums on an acoustic guitar.

"That's beautiful." I say before he looks up at me. I sit on the couch next to him and take my coffee cup, sipping on the hot beverage.

He smiles at me.
"Thank you, just thinking of some new material for another album."

Faster We Run (Layne Staley! - Alice in Chains X OFC) OCWhere stories live. Discover now