Never Stopped

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Shortly after my break up with Layne, I heard from Mike that his ex Demri had passed. I knew this would make him worse as they had a special kind of relationship. I don't like to get involved with Exe's and their business when they were together was their own, but from that one time I met Dem she seemed really sweet and I can understand why Layne loved her once upon a time.

I felt awful for breaking off our relationship but I had to. It wasn't healthy and his reliance in heroin seemed to be destroying him, especially as it was becoming evident that he needed it to survive.

Mike picked me up from my apartment so we could go visit him, seeing as we were the only two people he would let in...although after our split, I doubt he'll want me to see him that way.

"I can't believe she's gone. Like I know she had been on heroin for a while like Layne but I never believed she would die." Mike says to me as we press the buzzer at the bottom of the apartment.

"I feel bad for her, she seemed so nice when I met her at the hospital. I can't imagine what her family is going through right now....And Layne..." I reply.

"Yeah. Puts everything into perspective. I need to get off this shit." Mike says, reflecting on his own personal issues.

He doesn't take nearly as much and as frequently as Layne does, but it is a problem he wants to sort out for himself.

Mike says into the speaker.
"Come on man, I just wanna see how you're doing."

We wait for an answer but nothing.

Mike presses the buzzer once more and still nothing.

"Lucky I got a key." He says to me. "Just don't like to use it unless I have today."

"Mike I could kiss you." I reply with a little relief.

"I thought you had one?" He asks.

I look to the ground and nod.
"I did but I threw it at Layne when I found him using."

Mike nodded.
"Totally fair."

He uses the key to get into the foyer and he holds it open for me to walk in.

These days I dress a little more modestly, especially as I have been promoted to Personal Assistant for Stone Gossard at Pearl Jam HQ. I wear a turtle neck grey sweater dress with some black knee high boots and a long red coat to complete the look. I am due to be at work now, but after hearing the news, Stone suggested it was best to take some time to see Layne as he knew the situation.
We walk up the steps of the building and get to Layne's floor, the sound of my boots echoing through the staircase as we reach our destination.

"I'm guessing I don't have to warn you for what you might see?" Mike says a little solemnly.

"I've seen him at his worst Mike." I tell him as we walk to the door.

He uses the key to unlock the door and we walk in.

It's been a month since I've been in Layne's apartment, since I broke it off with him.

The place is less fresh than it was and it's clear he hasn't been doing any cleaning or Housekeeping at all.

It breaks my heart, it used to be our cosy paradise. Our salvation from the world.

The coffee table is covered in all kinds of drugs and a bunson burner is positioned the way it always is for when he is preparing his substances.

"Layne?" Mike calls again.

Faster We Run (Layne Staley! - Alice in Chains X OFC) OCWhere stories live. Discover now