The Apartment

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"Your place is nice." I say, looking around Layne's apartment.

"It's okay. Does what I need it to." Layne replies.

There's different types of art all over the walls. Some like posters, some canvas and some framed.

I look at one, like a midnight scene set in the woods. A large pale moon behind a scenery of pine trees and a river, with a wash of darkness over the entire painting. This one is on canvas and I find myself in awe of it.

"This is beautiful." I say, staring at the piece. "Who is it by?"

Layne walks behind me and takes a drag of his cigarette.

"Yours truly." He says, blowing the smoke to the side.

I look behind me and to him.

"You got me...talented, gorgeous and a painter." I giggle. "Really...who painted it?"

Layne finally takes his shades off and stares a knowing look at me with a smirk.

I look back over to the painting and then to him again.

" is you..." I say in almost shock.

How could anyone be so talented?

"I'm glad you like it." He says.

"This should be in a gallery." I reply. "It really is so captivating."

"It was, for a little while at least. It got good traction and after it served it's time, they gave it back." Layne explained.

"You talk about it like it spent time in prison." I chuckle.

"It's not my favorite gallery...but I can't be fussy. Any publicity, right? So maybe it did serve time..." Layne smiles.

I can see his smile fully now. He looks sweet and kind of awkward talking about his work, but like he's happy someone has taken an interest in his art.

I smile and my eyes look down after both of ours meet.

"You're different to other groupies." He remarks.

"Oh?" I say, tilting my head slightly, curiously. "How so?"

"Well most I've been with don't make a point of standing and admiring the pictures on the walls, or even making conversation at that. Usually it's straight to the point." Layne says, taking another draw of his cigarette.

"You mean...a quick fuck and 'Where's the door?'" I reply.

Layne laughs slightly at my response.
"Yeah actually. Just to say they've been with you. Like a fucking medal or bragging rights."

My smile reels itself in a little. It's sad to hear that's how other women treat him, like a piece of meat to be claimed or a competition between some crazy female fans.

"Yeah well, I guess I am different in that respect." I reply.

"So you wanna get this over with?" Layne asks with a sigh.

"Get what over with?" I ask, acting kinda dumb.

"Sex?" He says.

"I came here to be with you so you aren't alone. I never said we had to do that...unless that's what you really want." I respond.

"Actually...can we just hang out? You seem pretty cool if I'm honest." He asks me.

I smile again.

"Of course! I wanna hear about your influences...interests...all that kind of stuff." I say.

Faster We Run (Layne Staley! - Alice in Chains X OFC) OCWhere stories live. Discover now