Chapter Six

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   Me and Wednesday walk into our fencing class. I walk next to Wednesday and see the Xavier. I continue to walk with Wednesday so I don't look as if i was staring. That's when I had a feeling I'm being followed.

   I ignored it as Wednesday had stopped in front of some people. "Coach, coach, she tripped me." The boy said as the other person took off their mask.

    Which had revealed Bianca, I could tell Wednesday doesn't like her. "It was a clean Strick, Rowan." The Coach says.

    "Maybe If you whined less and practiced more, you wouldn't suck." Bianca says to Rowan. "Seriously, Coach when am I gonna get real competition? Anyone else want to challenge me?"  Bianca asked.

   Knowing Wednesday she would, "I do." Wednesday says. I smirked know that I was right.  "Oh, you must be the psychopath they let in." Bianca says causing my smirk to leave my face.

    "And  you must be the self appointed queen bee." I say, "interesting thing about bees. Pull out their stingers, they drop dead." I continue and Bianca's smile leaves her face.

   "Rowan doesn't need you guys to come to his defense. He's not helpless, he's lazy." Bianca says.

   "Are we doing this or not?" Wednesday asks. Then they get into position, "En Garde." Couch says and I stand next to Rowan.

    The girls put on their mask and begin when Bianca Stricks first. "One point to Wednesday." Coach says, I see Xavier looking at Wednesday. "The score is even." Couch says when Bianca gets a point.

    "That first point was clearly beginners luck. Let's finish this" Bianca says. I want to switch with Wednesday but it's their tied so I don't want to get in between it.

    "For the final point, I would like to invoke a military challenge. no masks no tips. Winner draws first blood" Wednesday says.

    "It's your decision, Bianca." Coach says. Now everyone's looking at them. "Let's see if you bleed in black and white." Bianca says and they begin.

   Then Bianca draws first blood. No one seems shocked. "Your face finally got that splash of color it so desperately needed." Bianca says and chuckles.

    We then go to the nurses office so Wednesday can get a bandage over her cut.

    "You're Wednesday and Monday right?" Rowan asks and we turn around. "Rowan. I know how you feel" He then says with a smile.

    "I guarantee you don't." Wednesday says. "My mother promised me if Finally fit in somewhere." Rowan says then pauses.

   "You never thought it was possible to be an outcast in a school full of outcasts?" I say, and rowan smiles, "it looks like you're gonna give me a run for my money." Rowan says.

Then there's silence and he looks over at Wednesday, "sorry about the.. Nick." Rowan says.

To be honest rowans kinda cute but I'm here to focus on classes and how to get away from here. "No good deed goes unpunished." Wednesday says and we walk out. "Bye." I say before I full leave.

Then Wednesday stops and looks at the water fountain. Then Wednesday turns back around and we continue to walk. Well now I know why I felt as if I was being followed, mother and father left thing here.

We get outside and I walk ahead of Wednesday, "you know we are Being followed I say as I opened my umbrella.

Then I hear stone being dragged and I look up to see something falling down. "Monday!" Someone shouts and pushes me out of the way.

Everything then goes black I don't know why probably from the impact. Now I wonder who pushed me.

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