Chapter Eighteen

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"Why are we Breaking into his room!" I whisper shout. "Because I think the book is here." Wednesday simple whispers.

Xavier then shuts the bathroom door and we walk into his room. "That's purple book has got to be around here somewhere." Wednesday says.

"Let's start investigating." I say. I help thing search while Wednesday looks through his sketch book.

Then Wednesday turns off the lights and looks on the bed then under it with a black light.

"Rowan's full of surprises." Wednesday says and then there's two knocks so I slip under one of the beds and so does Wednesday.

Xavier sighs and opens the door and I see Bianca. "You're not supposed to be up here." Xavier says. "Shit!" I mumbled quietly.

I look at Wednesday who is confused. "There might be a hook up on this bed!" I whispered to her quietly.

Wednesday then looks at me with shock i think. "Why the fuck do I listen to you! Now I'm going to be under the bed of two people hooking up!" I whisper annoyed.

I then see Xavier shut the sketch book Wednesday was looking through.

"Maybe it's because she hasn't tried to manipulate me." He says and now I'm confused on who they are talking about.

"I make one mistake and you can't forgive me. She treats you like crap, you can't get enough." Bianca says.

"ok, Why are you so fixated on Monday?" Xavier asks. 'Shit their talking about me?' I thought "Because she thinks she better tha an everyone else." Bianca says, 'this bitch!' I say with my jaw open.

"I can't wait to crush Ophelia hall tomorrow, and watch her werewolf roommate crumble." Bianca says.

'Ok that's it!' I thought and went to get out until Wednesday stops me and shakes her head.

"It's gonna be a pow cup finale to remember." Bianca says. "I hate to think what you've got planned." Xavier says.

"My games already started." Bianca says causing me to look at my sister and then thing.

" I like to win, is that so wrong?" Bianca asks. "And you wonder why I broke up with you." Xavier says. "You used to love my killer instinct." Bianca says and I just can not keep looking or listening.

I zone out ignoring them.

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