Chapter Seventeen

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       "If Weems comes sniffing around, keep your distance." I say, "look grim, and don't say a word." Wednesday finishes my sentence.

     "Payback is going to be a bitch!" Enid says. "I'd expect nothing less." Wednesday says.

      "It will be ok Enid." I say, "no, no it's not! Bees are scary!"Enid says. "Enid, Eugene will make sure that you get taken care of if you get stung." I say and Enid rolls her eyes.

    Wednesday that grabs my wrist and walks out. "BYEE!" I say before I get dragged completely out.

    Me and Wednesday walk in the woods where rowan got killed.

    We then her a grunt and someone then grabs my arm and covers Wednesday mouth and drags us back.

     I see the sheriff and his dog. I turn only to be met with Tyler's face. "Are you fucking kidding me." I mumbled.

    Wednesday then push's off of him, "sorry. I didn't want Elvis to pick up on your guys scents." Tyler says.

    "Thank. How'd you throw them off?" I asked annoyed. "Uh." Tyler says and gets something out of his pocket.

    "Coffee grounds." Wednesday says. "Deer-hunting hack. One of the perks of being a part-time barista." Tyler says.

     "I assume your father didn't bring the bloodhound to play fetch"Wednesday says.

    "Yeah, he doesn't tell me shit. You must think it's weird I'm stalking him" Tyler says.

     "Yeah." I mumbled. "No, I consistently stalk my parents." Wednesday says causing me to look at her.

     Wednesday then walks away and I followed her. I zoned out of the conversation and just looked at the beauty of the woods.

      I stopped when ever Wednesday did but I continued to stay zoned out. For some reason my mind wandered to a certain someone.

I then spot Rowan's glasses and so does Wednesday. "These are Rowan's." I say. "We knew it was a cover-up." Wednesday says.

Me and Wednesday then touch the glasses and we go into a vision.

I see rowan using his powers to move the gargoyle.

I then see two guys, who I can make out to be rowan and Xavier. "What are you talking about? So much of my..." rowan says.

"My new desk, you psychopath!" Xavier says then I go back to see the gargoyle, only to be brought back to Xavier and Rowan's argument. "Speaking of that-" Rowan says.

"You creep people out." Xavier says, I then get brought to some room with Rowan who uses his power to bring a book to him.

I see him rip out a page. "You know!" One of the guys says. "Unbelievable!" The other says. It's getting harder to tell who's saying what as the vision begins to speed up.

"I did."

"Your crazy!"

I then see the gargoyle that almost fell on me again. I then see rowan use his power to throw Xavier against a wall.

I then see myself looking up. Then everything goes by to quick.

I then am brought back to reality.

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