Chapter Nine

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     I sit out in the waiting room as Wednesday is first to the counseling session. Of course I'm not going to the session. I just have to get to the roof which shouldn't be hard.

   I pretend I'm going to the bathroom but I just go up a flight of stairs and pick the bathrooms look and climb out. Wednesday is only a few seconds behind me.

   We look at each other and slide down the pipe that's there. Then we walk pass the van and bump into a guy.

    Of course another vision comes but I'm in the passenger seat and see the man answer his phone  only to be met with a crash. Then the vision ends, "who let you out? You goddamn weirdo." He says but me and Wednesday ignore him and walk until we get to a café.

    I see a boy looking at a broken espresso machine. "Holy crap!" He says as if we appeared from thin air. "Do you guys make a habit of scaring the hell out of people." He asks.

"It's more of a hobbie." Wednesday say. "You two go to nevermore. Didn't realize they changed the uniform." The guy says. "We need a quad over ice." Wednesday says.

"It's an emergency." I say, and the guy looks confused as he looks around. "It's four shots of espresso." I say annoyed.

"Yeah, I.. I know what a quad is. But, I mean spoiler alert, the espresso machine is having a seizure so all we have is drip." They guy says.

"A drip is for people who hate themselves." Wednesday says and I nod in agreement. "And know their lives have no real purpose or meaning" I say and the guy looks over to someone who stopped pouring a cup of coffee.

"What's wrong with you machine?" Me and my twin say. "It's a temperamental beast with a mind of its own, and it doesn't help that the instructions are in Italian.

Then like always Wednesday goes over and takes the instructions and startes demanding stuff. I zone out for a second until I hear "here's the deal. I'm going to fix you coffee machine, then your going to make us our coffee and call a taxi." Wednesday demands.

"Uh, no taxis in Jericho, try Uber?" The guy asks but I zone out as him and my sister speak. I think they'd be a good couple just something about him doesn't seem right.

Only thing I heard was his name and that he would drive us to the nearest train station. Then Wednesday walks away and I follow her and we sit down at a booth.

A group of boys come over to us, "what's are nevermore freaks doing out in the wild?" On of them asks. "This is our booth." Another says "why are you dressed like religious fanatics?" I asked

"We're pilgrims." One of them say. "Potato, po-tag-to." Wednesday says. "We work at pilgrim world." One of them says placing down a pamphlet and showing us.

"It takes a special kind of stupid to devote an entire theme park to zealots responsible for mass genocide." Wednesday says. "My dad owns pilgrim world. who you calling stupid?" One of the guys spat at us.

"If the buckled shoe fits." I say. "Guys, back off." Tyler says, "stay out of this, Galpin." One of the pilgrims says.

"Yes, stay out of this." Me and my twin say as Wednesday stands up. "So tell me, freak... you ever been with a normie?" He asks my sister. "I've never found one that could handle me." Wednesday responses.

"Boo!" Wednesday says and the guy behind her grabs her should as he says "hey!".

But of course Wednesday grabs him and knees him where the sun don't shine. The the same guy goes to punch her but Wednesday just moves back a little and the kid ends up punching his friend.

I look over at the other kid as Wednesday breaks one of the kids arms. Then tosses him into the other kid. The last kid who was standing untouched went to go swing at my sister and she dodged it twice. I stand up and spin in the air and kick him and he falls to the ground.

Tyler comes over to us and I sit back down. "So where'd you learn those king fu moves?" He asks Wednesday and of course I'm third wheeling. "Our uncle taught us, he spent five years in a Tibetan Monastery." Wednesday says.

"Was he a monk?" Tyler asks. "Prisoner." I say and a cop comes in. "Dad!" Tyler says and he dad looks at us. I take my milkshake I ask for 30 or so minutes ago and I start to take sips out of it knowing there's most likely going to be drama.

"Tyler, the hell going on in here?" His dad asks confused. "They were harassing customers, and they put them in their place." Tyler says and I nervously smile and his dad looks us up and down.

"These little things took down three boys?" Tyler's day says. "Did you help them?" He dad asks.

"Dad, I swear, I wasn't involved." Tyler says "shit." I say and grab Wednesday hand and drag her only a few feet before I hear "apologies, sheriff. These ones slipped away from me." Principal Weems says. Which cause me to stop.

"Come on, Miss Addams, time to go." She says with a high pitched tone and we walk over to her. "Wait a minute, hang on." Tylers dad says and we turn to him.

"You girls are Addams?" He asks, "don't tell me Gomez Addams is your father." He says and we nod. "That man belongs behind bars for murder. Guessin' the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.I'm gonna keep my eyes on you girls" Tyler's dad says.

And principal Weems wraps her arms around us, "okay." She says quietly as she drags us out the door. We get into the car and begin to drive. "Your first day and you already on sheriff Galpin's radar. wish I could say I'm surprised " She says.

"What did he mean about our father?" Me and my twin asked. "I have no idea, but a word of advice. Stop making enemies and start making a few friends. You're going to need them." Principal Weems says.

Then we approach a car accident. "Looks like and accident." Principle Weems says as we slowly drive past. "I hope the drivers okay." She says sadly. "He's dead. Broke his neck." Me and my twin say. "How can you girls tell from this angle?" Principle Weems asks.

Me and Wednesday just grab the charm on our necklaces.

Wednesday's Monsters (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now