Chapter Ten

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    As Wednesday played her cello I sat on the railing of the balcony. I was look at the stares until I noticed something. I draw my attention to that something only to find Xavier paint.

    I squint my eyes and see he's painting the same bird he had been already painting. Then something seems to catch his attention as he had turned around and looked up towards me and my sister.

    I got of the railing and walked into our dorm and changed into my pjs and went to sleep.

    I awoke and opened my eyes only too see my sister and Tyler talking. I smiled to myself and bit my lip try not to make sound.

     I couldn't here what they were saying since I felt like sleeping again. Which I ended up doing.


      It's Saturday and I was about to take out my pjs until Wednesday stops me. "We are leaving." She says and I look at her confused. "Tyler's going to take us to the train station once we make it to the harvest festival." She explains. "Yeah well I'm tired." I say.

    "To bad attendance is mandatory." She says and I roll my eyes and shut my drawer.

     We finally get to the harvest fest and we are standing next to Enid. "Are you sure you can trust that normie?" Enid asks.

    "I trust that we can handle ourselves." Wednesday says. "Well good luck and safe travels." Enid says and I look down sadly due to not wanting to leave her.

    Enid goes to hug Wednesday and of course she pulls away. Then Enid hugs me and I Hug her back sadly.

    "I'm going to miss you." I say and she smiles in response. "Me too." She says and then walks away.

    Me and Wednesday wander off to a dart place and I throw some and hit the balloons causing them to pop.

   "Jeez, can you get any better at this, you'll be taking home a whole pack." Xavier says coming out of no where.

    "Pandas don't travel in packs. They prefer solitude." I say as I throw another dart. "All right, subtle hint taken." Xavier says. "You should know we are waiting for someone." Wednesday says.

    "Oh yeah, who the lucky guy.. or girl?" He asks. "What does it matter to you?" I asked as a smirk appeared on my face. "Didn't mean to interrupt." Tyler says, "you're not." Xavier says then walks away and my smirk disappears.

    I watch him walk away as I felt something inside of me hurt as I watched him walk. I ignored Tyler and Wednesdays conversation as I looked down sadly.

   When Wednesday walks away I do too. I stay zoned out as I wonder why Xavier walked away. Although I knew he most likely like Wednesday i couldn't help but think he may like me other than her.

   I follow my sister and Tyler and they seem to stop. I of course can't see over Tyler to see why they had stopped until Tyler grabbed my sisters arm and Wednesday took mine as we ran.

     We bump into someone only to be brought into a vision. I see a book then an eye then a bird the the nevermore fountain on fire then a bird crowing then a skeleton. Then I see rowan, but he's wailing and something is attacking him. Then the vision ends and I end up in someone's arms.

     I look to see Xavier who looks at me confused and Tyler's trying to hurry us up then I look to see rowan wandering off.

    Me and my sister take off. "Rowan, come back!" We shouted in unison.

    We chased after rowan "what do you want? Why are you following me?" He says annoyed.

    "We don't have time to explain, but your in danger." I say and he just chuckles.

  "I think you got it backwards." He says.

(A/N:I was busy yesterday so I couldn't post but here it is)

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