Chapter Twenty

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"We're all set." Enid says. "Good. Things in position." I say. "Wanna tell me what you two were up to all night?" Enid asks.

"And spoil the surprise!" I say with a smile. "Speaking of surprises, your costumes are in the tent!" Enid says.

"Costumes?" Me and my sister ask.

Me and my sister walk out of the tent and I'm in a leather navy blue cat suit with cat ears.

I walk off to the boats and wait for the group to get ready.

I sit on the boat second to last, behind Enid. I look at Enid who is looking at ajax smiling.

I then look over to see Xavier, "focus!" Wednesday says and Xavier looks over at me which I quickly look away.

"What do we have here, the runts of the litter?" Bianca asks. "For the record, I don't believe I'm better than everyone else! Just that I'm better then you." I say to her annoyed.

I then look away and face forward when Bianca does.

"I want to welcome you all to the Edgar Allan Poe cup. This is one of Nevermores proudest annual traditions, dating back 125 years. Each team must row across from to raven island pull a flag from crack stones crypt, and hustle back without sinking or being sunk." Principle says and continues but I look down at thing.

Then the gun goes off and I begin to help paddle. "Oh excuse us!" Xavier say and we continue to paddle until some boat comes over and pulls a lever that has and axe swing at us which we all duck.

We then continue to paddle. Then the boat that tried to kill us is broken was it got pushed into something.

I then put down my paddle and take out a spyglass and see a siren tale. "Thing." I say who goes to the levers and flicks one.

We then get to shore and get out, "stay here and make sure Bianca can't sabotage our boat." Wednesday says to Enid and we then take off.

We then see our flag and I hurry up to it. "Later, Monday!" Xavier says and I look at him as I run.

I touch the wall and so does my sister and we go into a vision.

We look around and see a blonde girl with pig tales and another girl who is blonde but with her hair out.

"You are the key." The girls say and we get brought back out of the vision. "Taking a catnap?" Bianca says and runs away.

Me and Wednesday then get up and run back to the boat.

"Hurry up! We have to go!" Some one says and me and my sister get back into the boat.

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