14. A Good Soul

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Y/N's POV :

I could see some light emitting through the windows, it was morning already, I couldn't sleep yesterday, it was so hard to even close my eyes, I did once and the scene again flashed in front of me, that horrific incident & Hajun are the worst mistakes of my life. My parents still think of him as the sweet little guy he portrayed himself as, my brother got curious about how and why I get nightmares, and I said the same to him which I did to Jin oppa, he thought it was because of that bad break up I had.

I didn't have the energy to stay here anymore, I need a distraction and what's better than university. I got up and did my morning routine, washed my hair, and took a shower. I was back in the clothes I came in and packed my nightwear into the same bag Jennie brought me. I wrote a letter about me leaving early and kept it on the living room table and left.

I hailed a cab for myself which was difficult to get at this locality and hour. After half an hour I was in my apartment, it was empty and cold, maybe Jennie stayed over at her parent's or Jimin's place. I changed into a fresh set of clothing, blue jeans and a grey sweater top with brown boots it was already late so I decided to visit Dr. Min later, first I'll head to my classes.

I left leaving a message to Jennie that I'm back at our apartment and leaving for class. I took the bus and reached the bus stop near the university, I was walking towards the gates when I saw Ji woo hugging someone goodbye, his back was similar to someone, I didn't wanna go there so I just shrugged it and move ahead straight to the class. Jungkook was already on our seat, I went there, "Hey Kook, can you move over?" he looked at me surprised moving over to give me space to sit. He was still looking at me like I was a ghost, I waved at him and he chuckled. "Oh hi, I thought you'd take a leave today as well, but here you are." he waved his hands like doing a tada.. as if I magically appeared from somewhere. "c'mon, I can't stay home as if I'm sick." he looked at me with a frown, "but you look sick, these eyebags, and you're not even that cherry lipgloss." he even notices that... he surely is an observer. "Umm yeah, I woke up late so didn't got time." I lied, not wanting to give anyone unnecessary explanations.

And to my help, the professor entered our class, and our focus was back on studying, after back to back classes and one on one study sessions with Jungkook I feel mentally so tired, even though he's a great teacher I just couldn't take much of his help, I copied his notes and from there we went to grab some lunch, I didn't even have breakfast today.

We went to get some spicy chicken with fish stew and rice at the restaurant outside the university, this belongs to Jennie's family business named "Jongsik" after her grandfather's name. The food here is delicious, and he has always been fun company, we talked about that one time they all went to the beach and Taehyung lost his car key after searching for about 3 hours they found he had looked it inside the car, he had to hail a cab, "Y/N, why don't you ever tell us about your past or how you were?" he asked me looking straight into my eyes, well this is awkward, "I actually had a simple life, I told you about my parents and everything." I said avoiding his eye contact, "no not that, about your friends back in school, I know Hajun was your friend." my eyes got wide at the mention of his name, did he tell him that, and why would he mention something like this when all I want is every touch, smell and even small memory to delete from my brain. "well, I don't remember much about him." I lied, and he knows too the way he's looking at me. He didn't say anything after that. Jungkook insisted on paying even after my so many attempts to pay and I left there thanking him once again.

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