6. Friends

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Leave the world behind


Being in the moment

Is my favorite hobby


After finishing my breakfast, I took my bag, and watch and left the apartment not forgetting to lock it back, going towards the bus stop I saw a familiar black car approaching, Jungkook was coming towards me with a grin on his face after parking his car on the sideways, he wore all black again, he must like the color a lot. He held eye contact approaching me, smirking along.

 He held eye contact approaching me, smirking along

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"Hey Y/N." he greeted me and went for a hug, well it's new, he's in a good mood.

"Hi Kook, you seem happy, did anything happen?" I asked, he just shook his head no and he requested me to come with him to the university.

We share almost all the classes, so it was natural to spend more time together. It's been just three days since we met but we got so close, he is a nice human. He told me about his interests while driving, he likes almost all kinds of sports, he's into dancing too, swimming, he also likes motorbikes, explains his all emo looks. His family consists of him and his parents, and from how he was describing them I could see he loves them a lot. He has a loving family and rich parents. His father is a businessman controlling almost all of the entertainment industry, and he will be taking over the business soon. Taking over the "Jeon co." once his study is completed, with economics he also studies theatres to understand the world better which he's gonna enter soon.

"So, Y/N, will you keep listening to me or are you gonna tell me about yourself too," he said taking a glance at me and again shifting his eyes back to the road.

"There's nothing special actually, I like to paint, dance and sometimes cook too. And I love playing volleyball, and my family includes me, mom, dad, my younger brother Kim Yeong San and my dog Boro, my parents are both teachers, they teach middle school back in Busan." I told him, I actually love my dog he's a golden retriever, and he's been with us since I was eleven.

"You are cute," he said suddenly pulling over to the parking lot of the university which I didn't notice we'd reached. I came out of the car running my hands through my hair and to my surprise, everybody was there. Lisa came running towards me hugging me so tightly that for once I thought my ribs would crush. She is someone who can brighten your day with just a smile and the same with Hoseok, we haven't had much conversation but whenever he talks he makes sure everybody feels comfortable and happy. These both are the energy dose of the group and I'm glad to meet such friends.

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