31. The shoot

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You woke up feeling a jerk in your body, another nightmare. You were thankful that Lisa was fast asleep and didn't hear anything. You check the time in your phone, 5:30 AM, it said. Your lips leave a long sigh as you get up from the bed walk towards the balcony.

Your room was quite spacious, a bedroom with attached bathroom on the right, a couch and coffee table placed in the middle with a wardrobe beside the bathroom. On the left was the balcony door which was laced with different kinds of plants, you loved gardening back in Busan but you don't get much time here in Seoul.

You stand against the railing inhaling the freshness of the dewy morning, it wasn't much hot or too cold just moderate enough. "Nice panda ass." you hear Taehyung say from the balcony adjacent to yours. "Yeah, jackass." you say annoyingly and he chuckled under his breath.

"How do you wake up so moody?" he asks looking at you. "I was not until I heard you." you say looking back at him. You both were staring in each other's eyes and you got reminded of the eye contact you held when he was kissing Jisoo. 

You averted your gaze back at the scenery in front. "You should just focus on Jisoo's ass." you say bitterly blinking away the tears that gathered in your eyes. "She's nothing to me." he says still looking at you, "you should not explain all this to me when I'm just another Jisoo." you say taking a glance at him reverting back you gaze at front.

"You're not another Jisoo, don't insult yourself." He says taking a sip from his morning lemon tea. "You did, when you kissed her or spent the night with her in the first place after having sex with me just a day before." you say again and now the tears were rolling down your cheeks. He felt his heart clench watching you cry like this.

"No Y/N, nothing was like that, don't make assumptions." he didn't want to be rude but his voice came out cold. "I'm sorry to start this bullshit early morning." you say walking back into the room straight off going to the bathroom. He stood there thinking how this morning turned out to be

You didn't expect this roller coaster of emotions to feel early morning. Stripping out of your clothes you stand under the shower to get out of this mood but the tears were not stopping, after what felt an eternity you came out wearing your shorts and a loose t shirt. Laying down on the bed. 

Hearing knocks on your door you walk towards the door, opening it you find Yoongi, "good morning Y/N, I was wondering if you'd like to shoot for our project here like right now." he asks smiling. At 7 in the morning he's asking you to shoot? "Do I wake Lisa up?" you ask welcoming him in.

"That'll be good" he says taking a seat on the couch. 

Lisa was a hard one to wake up but she did with a loud groan, "Yoongi's here" you say making her eyes widen with shock, she actually had this tiny crush on him since they have know each other, she told you yesterday night when you were both having a chill time talking about life.

"Y/N you could've told me earlier, I will get ready, fuck he's sitting right there. Look at my hair." she says going into a panic mode.

"Wear something casual green dress, and Lisa I'd like to see you in that yellow dress I complimented you once." he says turning towards you and she hides behind you. How can she ever forget the dress, she always carries it with on trips like these.

"I'll be back in a second." she says running to the bathroom to get ready.

"I'll leave you to it, just call me once you're done." he says moving out of the room. You still were confused who will be the male lead in his music video, and forgot to ask now.

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