39. Made Evil

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It's been a week since you went out anywhere, since you visited anyone or you allowed anyone to be near you. Taehyung always called you to ask have you eaten or taken any rest. You'd only answer his calls or texts. Jin was also very much worried about you as you didn't even visited Dr. Min. 

Rachel sensed something wrong as you were neither replying to her texts, nor calling her back, she contacted Jennie, not receiving much information about you from her she decided to come back. 

Jennie an Jimin tried to talk to you as soon they got back but Taehyung asked them to leave and give you some time. Jennie was heartbroken when Taehyung narrated the whole story to everyone. Ji woo wasn't believing a word he said, she was in a denial that her own brother for whom she would fight her parents was this evil. Jungkook felt something weird in his chest seeing her cry like that. She promised him to help get the tapes back no matter how.

Last night you called Taehyung that you're ready, you can't live in hiding anymore, you have a life to live. Your mother called you so many times but you knew if you hear her voice you'd cry out and she'll come here. Not wanting that to happen you just left her a message that everything is good and you're busy with exams and job. She just replied with call when free.

You woke up with a heavy headache, the sun was shining bright today, maybe it's because of everything happened that night or maybe it's because you feel a heavy weight lifted off of your chest. You know you will not be able to repeat it again without having another panic attack and you also knew Taehyung might have told everybody as you asked by now.

"Good morning Angel, get fresh and have breakfast with us." Taehyung says entering your room with a smile. "Good morning, and us?" you ask, you knew that Jin left yesterday night itself.

"Yeah everyone's here, even Rachel and Neil." he says scratching the back of his head. "Everybody knows?" you ask nervously as you were afraid they'd judge you. 

"Nothing will go wrong and one more thing, Jin hyung has already talked to Dr. Min about everything and your appointment is at 1 PM, you have enough time." he says embracing you in his arms. "I am so happy and thankful to have such nice people as my friends and you are a pure blessing Tae." you say pushing yourself further into his chest. "You are the blessing Y/N, it isn't me, you have changed my life and made me more focused in life." he says enveloping your lips in his molding himself into a kiss filled with love.

"Get fresh and come soon, everybody's waiting." he says with a kiss on your forehead and leaving you in the room. 

You did your morning routine, wearing some warm shorts with Taehyung's black t shirt. You were obsessed with his clothes, they smell like him. You were a bit anxious to face everyone, mostly Jennie, Rachel doesn't even have any idea, she'd be heartbroken to hear everything. But you didn't want to ruin her trip again so you kept quiet.

You walk out of the room towards the living area, everybody was scattered around. Some on the couch, some on bean bags, some on the carpeted floor with blankets. It was November already hence the chilly environment. They were all talking about Taehyung working in the fashion industry and within a week he was showing results, good ones.

"Hey Y/N, we were waiting for you." Namjoon greeting you with a smile patting the seat next to him and Jin. Your eyes scanned everybody present in the living room. "Where's Jimin?" you ask and everybody went silent, you looked at Jennie for an answer but she shook her head as a no.  You see Taehyung walking in with something in his hands, a box precisely and Jimin behind him.

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