15. Stop Me

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I opened my eyes to a foreign environment, the walls were beige and golden with white and brown bedding. I was lying in bed when I recalled the incident with Namjoon in the car, my hands and feet turning cold again, eyes brimming with tears. There's only one way to find out about all of this. I saw Namjoon entering with a tray in his hand, "Where am I?" I ask with my voice coming low and slow, "You are at my apartment which was closer than yours and I'm sorry for prying into your personal life but it's a part of my job" he explained while placing the tray before me and sitting right across.

"What job?" anger was laced in my voice, "You should eat something and take your medicines first, I'll answer your questions then," he said removing the lid from the bowl, the smell of freshly made chicken soup was so alluring that I couldn't stop myself from eating it. He was just scrolling through his phone and texting while I finished the soup.

"So now let's do one thing, you answer one question of mine and I'll answer yours," he says removing the tray and keeping it at the coffee table. His apartment was lavish but not more than Taehyung's. "I'll go first, why does your job include a background search about people?" I ask resting my back against the bed headboard. "I have always been doing a background check on people close to us." he has this calm composure which is irksome. "Now, I don't want to go much into your past but I'd like to ask if you are involved with Hajun anymore, that guy is bad news to me, I actually did the background check on him but when I found out how he is related to you, I couldn't stop myself getting involved in your business," he asks leaning a bit forward in my direction, eyes drilling into my face. "No, I have cut ties with him long back, I don't want to be associated or even hear his name ever again." I answered with all honesty, "How much did you find?" I was a little curious and hesitant to know but I knew if he knows Jin hyung would know soon about it. "Let's say everything I needed to know is in my information, EVERYTHING." okay he is aware of everything. "I don't want anyone else to know please, nobody," I begged him, I don't want any hate or comments on my character, the thought of everybody knowing is killing me. "Don't worry it's just Jin and me who knows, he won't tell a soul without talking it out with you." he says giving me another shock, "JIN KNOWS?" I yelled at him questioning, "Why would you tell oppa about all this", and he wants to talk to me. Namjoon was silent all the time. "I want to go home." I say getting up hurriedly and taking all of my things, I was about to grab my bag when I heard him chuckle, "wait, I'll drop you off, don't get hasty we'll get you out of this together," he said grabbing his keys and jacket, "and don't worry about Hajun, I've always found him shady, you now belong to one of us," he says giving me his famous dimple smile and we walked out of his apartment towards the car parking. I too smiled at his words, I felt a sense of relief when he didn't mention anything about me but somewhere I know dealing with Jin oppa won't be easy.

He was driving in silence which I needed at this moment to think things straight, I don't want Jennie or Rachel to know about anything but somewhere I was feeling a tight knot in my chest just thinking about how to start and what to tell them both, Jennie has been my support system since I came here and Rachel has always been there for me even in the darkest phase of my life. When she got to know about my nightmares and the therapist thing, she didn't call me names or gave me any hard time for not telling her, and I knew I was surrounded by the wrong people all my life.

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