5. Tae

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"Loneliness becomes a bliss

When you fall

In love with yourself"

Again I was all alone in this apartment, ignoring the messages and calls from him I decided to call Rachel, but she said she was busy with her family as they were having their usual family dinner with Neil, she invited me too but I didn't feel like going.

I was not feeling good about ignoring Taehyung, it wouldn't hurt to at least check the texts.

So I read the messages he sent me.

I'm really sorry Y/N, I don't feel so good after kissing you out of the blue.

Pick up the damn call Y/N.

Please babe, at least let me explain, pick up the call.

I am heading to your apartment Y/N and if you don't pick up the call now I'll be there any second.

Please pick, this weather is killing me.

These messages were a mix of emotions but the last message sent chills to my whole body and the message was sent an hour and a half ago. Where is he? If he came to the apartment why didn't he knock or ring any bell?

And why am I thinking he would be here, he was just bluffing and I don't want to think about him and that damn fucking kiss.

Back in the kitchen, I was doing the dishes when I saw a familiar car. The plate I was holding slipped through my hands and broke with a shattering sound.

The car was familiar, very familiar. The red mustang. He's actually here. He wasn't bluffing, HE IS HERE.

Oh my god, he is here but why didn't he knock on the door?

I ran towards the door of my apartment, running through the hallways, why is the damn elevator taking so long. Ditching the elevator I ran down the stairs to the main entrance and he was there sitting on the porch with a bottle of liquor in his hand, he's been drinking. I rushed towards him, he was all wet and drunk.

"What are you doing here, and why the hell are you drinking?" I snapped at him, I was so pissed seeing him like this.

"Ja, you are here, t-t-t-talking to me finally." He said while caressing my cheek with his free hand. "No, I was not drinking some friend gave me this." He was stuttering, and he showed me a bottle of whiskey.

"Just come up with my stand, be careful." I helped him get up and supported his big body with a tiny body of mine and took him upstairs. Thankfully the lift was here and didn't need to drag his ass all the way to the third floor.

"Just sit here and don't touch this bottle," I told him making him sit on the couch in the living room after putting some towels around. I went to get him some warm honey water to make him sober.

As I stepped into the kitchen pouring some water into the glass he startled me by touching my shoulders with his cold fingers, I was in my shorts and shoulder-down t-shirt. I shrugged away his touch and turned to give him the glass.

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