27. HURT

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Your eyes landed on him. 

Kim Taehyung who just had sex with you two days back was kissing Jisoo as if his life was dependent on it, you couldn't look elsewhere. 

You feel your heart clench at the sight, the hands that hold you so gently were now on her body, you feel your mouth slightly open grasping for air to see the lips that were worshipping you praising you were molded with someone else's, you felt all your senses lost at that moment.

You were not budging, not moving even a little bit, you feel someone shaking you, calling your name, but your eyes were not that dreadful sight. You feel a lump formed in your throat which you couldn't swallow. Your throat was burning and eyes itching with the tears you held in. 

You were not able to swallow the fact that he really didn't feel anything when he was with you, or was it just an act, your insecurities were hitting you alike a truck. Mind completely filled with negative thoughts. He was there before you a few centimeters away, and still you weren't able to touch him, like there's some invisible door between you both, he didn't try to open it. 

The feelings you felt were mixed, sadness and anger altogether, you were still staring at them, you couldn't believe how can a man be this disrespectful. His glance landed on you while he kissed her, but he didn't stop. That was when you ran out of the door to where your feet took you.

You didn't hear or see anything apart from the scene, you felt unwanted, you felt the jealousy, the burning desire for him, you were jealous of the moment you shared a few days back, you were jealous of her lips he was kissing, you were angry with yourself to feel this much for that man. You were panting out of breath, hot teras made their way on your cheeks falling continuously. 

You hailed a cab and told the driver your address, even the driver looked at you with pity, your phone was ringing non stop but you had that scene in front of you. What hurt you the most was his gaze. Even after noticing  you standing there, he ignored your presence. You just wanted him to get up once and take you in his embrace, saying it was a drunken mistake. But you knew it was not.

Why did your awesome day had to ruin like that?

Why was not anyone on your side?

Why did he not bother check even once?

Why was this beautiful day too end up with me in tears?

You reached your apartment door, unlocking it you walk inside to the empty place. You had no energy left to answer any calls right now, you switched your phone off, took a couple of aspirin, gulping them down with water you threw yourself on the bed.

You remember how Hajun left you, all unwanted, Taehyung also left you unwanted, someday your parents will leave you too, and friends they left you long back. the new friends you made will leave you too. As Hajun and his friends said, you are just a parasite and useable material. Once people are done with you they will leave you.

Jungkook will leave you too one day when he finds out about your dirty past.

Jennie and Jimin will also despise you once they know what happened.

You got another panic attack, but nothing left your mouth, your eyes were closed and slowly you felt drifting off somewhere in the darkness.

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