2. New People

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There's something about friendships

which can melt even the 

stone cold hearts.

You were just halfway through the novel when you sensed somebody sitting beside you with a sandwich in his hand.

"Jungkook, what you doing here?" you whisper asking him. "Hey again, I bought you this," he says giving you the sandwich. "I thought you'd be hungry and it's been more than three hours already." he continues taking a bite from his.

"What, I lost track of time, and what about our third class?" you ask paranoid. "Relax, all the other classes were canceled due to some technical error. Internet and PCs are not working." you heave out a big sigh hearing him. "Thank you for the sandwich Jungkook," you say finishing off the last bite.

"Y/N, I think we should hang out sometime, you with me and my friends they all really liked you. This evening we're going out, I'd love it if you could join us," he says with his doe eyes staring right into yours. "I have prior plans today, maybe some other day," you say now coming out of the library. "We'll be leaving in the evening around 7, will you be free by then?" he asks with his bunny smile which you were getting fond of.

"Yes, I guess so, by the way, where are we going?" you ask as you were both walking towards the exit of the lobby. "It's a club, you'll love it, I'll pick you up from your place just ping me your address," he says giving his phone to you, you look at him with a confused expression."Your number, dial it here." he says, "Oh sorry, here's my number and I'll text you the address," you say typing your number and saving it.

"No problem, I'll be there by 6:30 so don't be late," he says parting his way from you as you make your way outside the university gates.

The day went well, to be honest, Jungkook was quite friendly and helped you throughout the day whether at the library or at the administration office. He even carried your bag to the cafeteria as it was heavy with all the books and novels you bought from the campus.

Rachel was as usual waiting for you outside. Walking towards her direction and getting close to her, you can see her expression, she was giving you a murderous glare. "Where the hell were you, you were supposed to be out half an hour before." She says gritting her teeth.

"I got lost, this university is huge you know," you say smiling at her in nervousness. "No fucking with me, I know you were seated somewhere with your head inside some novel," she says as you get inside her car. "Don't be this cruel, I met some new people here." and with that, you narrated the whole thing that happened with meeting Jungkook and his friends, all about Taehyung and Ji-woo being complete douchebags.

All she said was "stay away from people who don't match your vibes, that Taehyung guy doesn't seem good." It was more of a threat than a statement.

You had to cancel your plans of shopping as you only had an hour to get ready, you asked Rachel to join you but she had to be somewhere to work with Neil.

Neil is Rachel's boyfriend, he is an Australian she met him a month back and they instantly clicked.

You were now sitting on your bed while she was throwing your clothes all around your room to find a good dress for the club thing. You were fine with some jeans and a top, but she was not taking it. She was not happy with any of your dresses as they were just basic.

"This one is too big for your size, this is not your color, do you have anything other than black," she says frustratingly but her eyes caught a bodycon black dress with full sleeves and it actually was a good fit for you. You get into the dress and it hugged your curves perfectly.

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