19. Happy Birthday

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I have never celebrated my birthday much, only with family sometimes. When me and Hajun dated, he would take me to his apartment and we'd have a movie marathon or spend our time cuddling up in bed, ordering takeout or something.

I'll be celebrating my birthday today with friends for the first time in a club.

I woke up in a fresh mood today, I own a car now, so I don't have to be in a hurry. I took my time in the shower wearing my uniform. When I was out in the living room there was nobody present, both of them left for work early, as Jennie mentioned in the note on the refrigerator.

I simply made a sandwich with leftover corn, veggies, and ham, spurting some cheese and mustard sauce over it. A quick breakfast.

I ate my sandwich and went to work, driving my car towards the café APLOMB.We have a different staff entry from the back of the building, I parked there and stepped out walking towards the café.

Entering my work area, I saw Rose with a cupcake with a candle, "happy birthday Y/Niee, she wished me hugging me. Forwarding the cupcake, I blew on the candle and we both ate it there. We were serving the customers today, and every day there was different work for us, we would work as a cashier, and waiters, assisting in the kitchen, and sometimes cleaning. There was not much rush at this hour. I even asked my manager for an early leave. He didn't ask many questions and it was easy to get one.

I was asked to serve a bunch of boys seating in the left corner of the café, I went there with a notepad and a pen to take their order, but they were rude like extra rude. "get us the best drinks and croissants, some fries and we'll have hamburger for each. And make it as fast as you can beauty." one of them said with this cocky tone, I was so pissed with them but still I kept a smile on my face and asked "anything else sir" but he was high on something else, "yeah can we have some of you?" all of them laughed all together, I could see Rose from the corner of my eyes asking me to come back and I did.

I didn't want to ruin my day this way. I don't understand why people like them exist, who think from their dicks, disrespecting women every chance they get. "I'll get them their order you can go home now, it's already 4 in the evening." she is so understanding and friendly with me that sometimes I wonder what good deeds have I done in my life that I'm surrounded by such good people. But with goodness, the devil follows and he followed me here to Seoul too.

"Hey Rose, would you like to come to my birthday party? It's at "NIGHT'S DREAM" you must've heard about the club." she was all bubbly and excited but as soon as she heard the name, she stopped moving. "How did you manage this party at Seoul's most exorbitant club?", I was taken aback. "Yeah, it belongs to a friend." I say smiling, "I'll see if I could." she was still hesitant, is there something wrong. She went back to work, leaving me in the lobby.

While leaving for the day, I got a call from Rachel, "Y/N, I need you to come to the address I sent via text." she disconnected as soon as she completed.

I climbed inside the car typed the address in the GPS and drove off, nearing the location a building was in my view, the address showed some spa/salon. This date was long awaited. I parked the car and walked inside the salon, finding Jennie and Rachel already seated there.

"Come here babe, we were waiting for you." they squealed. "Let's go," we all said in unison. We were deciding on what to wear while having our hair and nails done simultaneously, "I would suggest you wear that green dress you bought recently." Jennie suggested but Rachel has another idea, "I have the best dress for her." she said smirking, me and Jennie were so confused.

After we were done with the manicuring and everything, Rachel asked the lady to do my nails blood red and they did their nails blue. After the nail artist was done, I was in love with them, I've always had short nails because of all the part-time jobs I had to do but I loved what she created. There was a texture on my nails like blood flowing in them, it looked so sexy.

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