Chapter Two

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The following morning Kenzi got out of bed and went for a run as she always did. The sun was just starting to light the sky, colouring everything in yellow gold. She enjoyed the solitude, just her and the music blasting in her ears and the pavement under her feet.

She arrived at the set early, getting set up before Jed arrived. They were mid-conversation when Jeremy arrived. It was nice to see him out of his costume in jeans, sneakers and a tshirt that was just enough for some of his muscles to show when he moved.
"Jeremy, this is-"
"Kenzi, right?" She nodded. "We met yesterday. She tried to take me out with a monitor case. I'll give you a call later today if that's ok?"
"Calm down, I'm fixing his laptop." She said when Jed shot her a look. "I'll bet. Ethan would have a fit." He whispered.
"Yes he would." She grinned.
"Can I watch?"

After lunch Kenzi got a message on her phone. 'I have a couple of hours now if that suits you. I'll be in my dressing room, I'm sure you can find it ;) Jeremy'
'You're responsible if I walk in on someone else naked then. I'm on my way.'
She took her bag and ate a couple of pieces of sushi on her way over, and found the door marked Jeremy Renner. She knocked and he opened the door a little faster than expected, she was still chewing and he laughed while she cleared her mouth. "Sorry. Just finishing lunch." She blushed.
"I thought you got lunch with the rest of us."
"Me? No. While you're eating lunch I'm running backups and fixing stuff. I don't really sit down and have lunch anyway. Sitting still is not my thing. So, your laptop. Have you tried turning it off and back on again?"
"Um. No?"
Kenzi laughed. "Let's start there then shall we?"
After a few minutes without success a driver update had it all fixed. "Well that was easy. Literally you just did it one handed. Imagine what you could do with two," he winked and Kenzi noticed his eyes sparkle. Kenzi tried to hide her flushed cheeks and cleared her throat.
"I should get back to it, I've already got some parts that need replacing. Call me if you need anything else?"
"I will. Will I see you tonight?"
"We're all going out for drinks after dinner, I thought Jed might have invited you already. You should come."
"Bar full of actors? Not really my scene. I'll think about it."
"It's not just actors, a lot of the senior crew are coming. Think about it. We might be mostly pretentious dickheads but we can also be a lot of fun,"
"I'll think about it. I'm sure I'll see you around either way."
"I hope so. Thanks."
Kenzi walked back out into the sunshine and over to the tech trailer. Her small desk was already piled up with bits and pieces that were not working out of the box or had been damaged. She sighed and logged the warranty items first, then identifying the parts she needed to repair the rest. The supplier would have more to them in a couple of hours, and she went to give Jed an update.
"Thanks Kenzi, so they'll all be fixed this afternoon?"
"Hmm, should be. I'll do them in order of priority just in case but I'll do my best."
"I hear you're coming out with us tonight?" He smirked. "Honestly I'd have asked you but I thought you'd say no,"
"I did say no. Actually I said I'd think about it. But I meant no."
"Well if you change your mind, you know where to find us."

She worked a little late but got everything done and was home just before seven. When she opened the door Ethan stormed down the hallway. "Where were you?"
"At work. Why?"
"It's almost seven, Kenzi."
"Did we have plans?"
"Don't get smart with me. If you're going to be late you let me know."
"You know I have a phone, right? And it's always on. Do you need the number again?"
"I shouldn't have to call you, just tell me if you're going to be late. Got it?"
"Yep." She turned and went in to the bedroom.
"I'm going out, I'll see you when I get home."
"And when will that be? 3am? 4? Should I expect to be molested in my sleep again?" She said sarcastically.
Ethan slammed his hands in to the wall on either side of her head, trapping her and making her jump involuntarily. "Whenever I feel like it. And if I feel like it. Clear?"
Kenzi cleared her throat and looked up at him. "Crystal." He kissed her roughly on the lips and left.
She sighed with relief as he closed the door behind him. Most days she just played along, meek and mild like he wanted. But some days... sometimes she just liked pushing his buttons, liked to pretend for a few minutes that she wasn't under his control and she could behave how she liked, pretend she had free will in her own home. She needed to learn to stop one button earlier though, now she had a headache.

An hour later her phone buzzed, she had a message from Jeremy. 'We're here! Come on I'll buy you a drink, you know you want to.' She thought for a moment. She hadn't been out drinking with friends since... since she and Ethan had moved in together. Before that she could get away with it without him knowing. Otherwise she didn't go anywhere except work without him, and they made the most beautiful couple at every party. Everyone thought they were perfect. He was infamous for his temper and jealousy and wasn't above making a scene when they were out together, but only because he loved her so much. Apparently.
She went to the wardrobe and opened it. She could easily be back before Ethan knew she was gone and he'd never know. Excitement started to rise in her stomach. She felt like a teenager sneaking out the bedroom window. Changing in to a pair of skinny jeans and a long sparkly tank with black heels, she pulled her hair out of its loose braid and let it hang down her back in messy curls. Lastly she went to the bathroom and put on some makeup, and ditched her glasses for contacts. They were at a club not far from her house, so she walked the ten minutes there, showing her set id pass to the doorman to get in to the VIP room.
She walked up to Jed and slipped an arm around his waist. "Hey! I thought you weren't coming?"
"I wasn't. Ethan went out, thought I might as well."
"Won't he be furious?"
"I'll be home before he is, trust me."
"You rebel," he smiled. "Let's get you a drink then," he led her to the bar where they ran in to Jeremy.
He looked her up and down, not recognising her for a moment, and she thought she saw a hint of a blush in his cheeks when realisation dawned on his face. "Wow. Hi. You um, you look different. Without glasses. Um, drink?"
"Beer please," she smiled. Suddenly she noticed Jed had left them alone.
"Your boyfriend not with you?" He asked.
"My, um. No. He isn't."
"Sorry, it's none of my business, I was talking to Jed earlier and I might have asked if you were single."
"Oh, right. He went out earlier with his work mates, I'm not sure where."
"What kind of guy would leave you at home while they went out?" Kenzi looked down at the floor. "Again, sorry, none of my business I'm just going to stop talking about it now. So.... your accent, you're Australian yeah?"
"Yeah. Been here for a long time but I'm determined not to lose the accent. You are obviously a Californian native?"
"Is it that obvious?" He laughed.
After a few drinks time got away and most of the others had left. Kenzi jumped when her phone rang on the table and she saw it was Ethan. "Fuck," she said softly before answering it. She didn't get a chance to speak.
"Where the fuck are you, Kenzi?"
"I just... Jed wanted to discuss some things for work, over a drink. Time got away from us, I'm sorry. I'm on my way home now, I'll be ten minutes."
"You have five and then I'm coming to get you,"
"Ethan it's a ten minute walk-" he had already hung up.
"I have to go, I'm sorry. I didn't think he would be home so early."
"I'll walk you."
"No, it's fine,"
"I'll insist. You are not walking home like that alone."
"No," she said as they got to the door and she removed her shoes. "I'm running. I'm really sorry, Jeremy. I'll explain tomorrow."

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