Chapter Nineteen

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"Kenzi Sullivan?"

"Detective Goldstein. Please, come in. Would you like tea, coffee, something else?"

"No, thank you. I'm sorry to put you through this, we just have a few questions."

"Anything I can do to help. Please, have a seat."

They sat down on Jed's couch. Jed and Jeremy had disappeared to the deck, in earshot if she needed them but keeping their distance.

"It's protocol for suicides like Ethan's to be referred to the Medical Examiner's office. They called in the narcotics division, and that's why I'm here."

"Because he used an overdose?"

"Yes. But also because he used a cocktail of drugs, and there was evidence of extensive drug abuse. How long had Ethan been using meth?"

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Ethan was a long term meth user. The M.E. found tissue damage consistent with prolonged use, both snorting and injection, and he tested positive for meth amphetamine and morphine."

"Ethan didn't use drugs. He hated drugs. He didn't even like people smoking cigarettes near him."

"My apologies, I didn't realise this would be a shock to you."

"There has to be a mistake. There has to be." Kenzi raised a shaking hand to her mouth as realisation dawned on her.

"I'm afraid there isn't, and I'm really sorry you had to find out like this. Are you up to more questions?"

"Yes. I'm not sure how much help I'll be though."

"Did you notice a period of time where his behaviour changed dramatically?"

Kenzi almost laughed. "Yes, definitely. It was gradual though, over a period of years."

"Was he ever violent or aggressive? Depressed? Moody?"

"Yes, yes, yes and yes."

"And that's the reason you broke it off and moved out in the middle of the night? Were you scared of him?"

"Yes, he threatened me. He wasn't usually outright violent but he was very controlling and I knew he was capable of it. I knew I had to get out."

"Was he away from home a lot?"

"Yes, at night. He didn't travel but he went out every night and I wasn't allowed to go unless he specifically wanted me to. And I was away for work fairly regularly."

"Do you know his friends well?"

"No. I only met most of them once or twice. They were all work colleagues though." Kenzi put a hand to her head as though someone had hit her with a brick. "Oh god, that's when it started. That's when he changed."

The detective gave her a sympathetic look. "He was obviously very good at hiding it." Kenzi nodded. "The official finding is that he died from a deliberate overdose, a cocktail of meth and morphine. The dose was huge, which is what triggered all the other tests. I'm very sorry, Kenzi."

"Is there any way to keep this from his family? Just leave it at an overdose?"

"You're officially his next of kin so everything will be released to you. We can't deny them if they ask, but I guess you can keep it to yourself if you wish."

She nodded. "This would devastate them. I'd rather they remember how he was last time they saw him. He was happy and in love, content."

"Off the record, I think that's an admirable decision. I know the funeral home has contacted the M.E. and they'll be able to release his body to you in the next day or so. If you have any concerns please give me a call."

Kenzi closed the door and stood behind it, taking a moment to steady herself before joining the boys on the deck, collapsing in to a chair.

"Kenzi?" Jeremy kneeled in front of her, taking her hands. "You've gone that grey colour you did before you passed out this morning. Are you ok?"

She shook her head no. Jed went to the kitchen to get her some water.

"Did something else happen? Something you didn't know before?" Kenzi nodded. "What is it?" he said gently.

All Kenzi could do was shake her head as tears she thought had dried up began to well in her eyes again. She leaned in to Jeremy, burying her face in his neck. He rubbed her back for a few minutes until she felt like she could speak.

"Turns out there was a reason behind Ethan's behaviour. Meth. I spent years living and sleeping with a meth addict and I had no fucking idea. How does that even happen?" Jed and Jeremy were both speechless for a moment.

"How do they know that?"

"Medical tests, standard when someone dies from an overdose. He's been using for years. I assume he started around when his behaviour changed, when we first came to LA."

"Oh my god. So he overdosed on meth?"

"He overdosed on a mixture of meth and morphine. Plenty of it apparently. Detectives are going to speak to his friends. Not that it matters now. How could I not know? I could have done something, I could have helped him!"

"No, Kenzi. You couldn't have. Trust me."

"I asked them not to tell his family. Apparently all the results will come straight to me, they won't get them unless they ask. Hopefully they won't."

"Are you sure? You don't think they deserve to know?"

"I don't think it makes a difference. They haven't seen him since we moved here, might as well protect them."

Jeremy pulled her back to him and kissed the top of her head, wrapping his arms tight around her. "Your strength blows me away. He doesn't deserve this kindness."

That afternoon, with the help of the boys, Kenzi began the funeral arrangements, relaying everything to Margaret to be passed on to the rest of the family.

"Jed, we need to talk about work," she said suddenly.

"I told you not to worry about it."

"I know, and I wont, until something goes horribly wrong and you have to stop filming because I'm not there to fix it. I'll be there every day, but the day of the funeral, I'll need a few hours at least. I thought I'd get someone to fill in for the day so I don't have to rush."

"We're not filming that day, Kenzi. At the very least one of my main characters will be absent, and so will I, so it's a moot point really."


"We're coming to support you," Jeremy said. "Jed is coming because it would be weird if it was just me. We'll stay in the background and just look out for you, be there if you need us."

"You don't need to do that,"

"You don't think we'd both be a bit distracted knowing you're there and we're trying to shoot scenes? We'll be there. Jed has already told everyone, they just think they're having an impromptu day off."

"Thank you. Both of you. I couldn't have done any of this without you. There's one more thing I have to do today, he needs a suit."

"Can't the funeral home organise that?"

"They could, but he might as well be in one of his own. I just have to go back to the apartment and get it. I have to anyway, I guess."

Jeremy stood up. "I'll drive,"

"No. I can do this."


"Jeremy, I can do it. Some time alone will be good for me. I'll meet you back at yours?"

"OK." She hugged them both tightly, giving Jeremy a light kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you again. I'll be back in a little while, Jed."

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