Chapter Twenty One

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Kenzi and Jeremy arrived at the set together and it didn't occur to her until they got out of the car that someone might see them. Thankfully no one else was there yet except for Jed. Kenzi wasn't expecting a particularly busy day, she just needed to be there for tech support unless Jed got big ideas and needed something different set up. She went straight to her trailer and was surprised when she turned to get something and Jeremy was right behind her. He snaked a hand under her hair to the back of her neck, the other around her waist, and pulled her mouth to his, kissing her passionately. When he pulled away she was almost panting.
"What was that for?"
"Does it need to be for anything?"
"No, but if I did something to deserve it I'd like to do it again!"
"Oh you did something. You did a lot of things. I just wanted to do it while I had the chance. I have to get to makeup but I'll see you at lunch?"
"Maybe. We'll see."
She licked her lips, tasting him and the hint of a smile touched her lips. He was her light in a very dark place, and she was trying not to rush in and ruin it, but she had missed out on closeness for so long, being in his arms was the best feeling in the world.

A couple of hours later she was on her way to get coffee when one of Jed's assistants called out to her. "I have a message for you, the guy rang a little while ago and asked me to pass this on." She handed Kenzi a post it with the name Mark and a phone number on it.
"Thank you. Did he say what he wanted?"
"No but he said it was important to speak to you before tomorrow. Um, Jed told me about your... I'm really sorry for your loss."
"Thank you," Kenzi said, giving her a faint smile.

She waited until lunch time when she wasn't busy to close her trailer door and dial the number. "Hi, Mark? This is Kenzi Sullivan, you left a message for me to call you."
"Hey Kenzi. Thanks for calling me back. I was really sorry to hear about Ethan. We work together, we used to. We hung out a fair bit."
"Oh, Mark! Right, yeah we met a couple of times. What can I do for you?"
"Could we meet somewhere and talk?"
"Um, sure, but not before tomorrow."
"I'm guessing this is about Ethan and you want me to know before the funeral?"
"Yes. It's a bit, um, sensitive. But I really think you should know."
"Is it about the meth? Because I know about that. A detective told me yesterday."
"No, it isn't. Although if you didn't know I'd tell you about that, too. Ethan..."
"Just spit it out, Mark. I doubt anything you say will surprise me."
"He was sleeping with another woman. From work. I'm really sorry, Kenzi. I would have just kept it to myself, I know telling you will only cause you more pain. But I have a feeling she might turn up tomorrow, even though we've told her not to."
"How long? Did she know about me?"
"Yes, she did."
Kenzi waited. "How long, Mark?"
"A couple of... years."
"Is she there now?"
"Somewhere, yes. Why?"
"Tell her she is welcome tomorrow. If she doesn't make a scene. If she does, she's out. Same goes for the rest of you. His family have no idea what happened when we moved here, and I have no intention of telling them. Got it?"
"Wow. Not the reaction I was expecting. I'll let her know. We'll see you tomorrow, a few of us are coming."
"Good, I'll see you then."

"Fuck! You bastard!" Kenzi yelled out loud after she hung up. A soft knock on the door made her jump. She wiped her face hurriedly and opened the door. Jeremy was carrying two plates and drinks on a tray.
"Who are you talking to?" He looked behind her, expecting to see someone. "Are you ok? Are you crying?" He looked at her face and set the tray down on Kenzi's desk. He pulled her to him and in to a hug. "What's going on, baby?"
"He was cheating on me, Jeremy. For two years he's been sleeping with a woman he works with. Two fucking years! And she's coming to the funeral."
"What?! Why?"
"Because apparently four or five times a week wasn't enough. Maybe she got a choice in whether-" Jeremy chuckled a little.
"No darling, why is she coming to the funeral."
"Oh. I said she could if she didn't make a scene and didn't say anything about their relationship. It's been two years I guess she has a right to be there, too. Why the fuck not! How could he? I bet he treated her better than me." She said sadly, fresh tears trickling down her face.
"I'm so sorry Kenzi,"
"He controlled every minute of my life, told me what to wear, who to talk to, and only let me out of my box to show me off like a fucking trophy. He forced me in to sex whether I was willing or not, he took pleasure in hurting and humiliating me, and he punished me if another man looked at me the wrong get way. It never even occurred to me that he might be having an affair. Never. Because I did everything he wanted. How many more secrets can there be? I don't think I can take any more, Jeremy." After a minute she looked up at him. "If I find out tomorrow that he has some bastard child out there somewhere... I'm going to make a scene, Jeremy. Young and the Restless style." She slammed her head back against his chest and laughed. "This could not possibly get any more fucked up. Seriously."
He chuckled softly. "Oh Kenzi I really hope not. I can't wait for this nightmare to be over so we can get on" he leaned down and kissed her lightly on the lips. "So I brought you lunch,"
"Thank you. I'm sorry again that you have to deal with my baggage."
"Don't be. You just told your abusive ex's mistress that she can come to the funeral you're organising for him. No one else in this world would do that. I'm impressed. Now eat, I've only got another twenty minutes."

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