Chapter Four

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As promised, Jeremy met Kenzi at 2 pm and they walked to a nearby cafe for a late lunch. Kenzi yawned most of the way there and occasionally winced when pain shot through her knee. At one stage it gave way and she almost fell into him, and then she almost fell over laughing. "I am definitely not at my best today!"
"That's why you shouldn't run home from clubs barefoot," he said, shaking his finger at her.
"Oh this isn't from- I did it at the gym. This morning."
"Where do you get your energy? There was no way I was getting out of bed that early this morning. You had, what, three hours sleep?"
"A bit less than two. I haven't liked sleeping in in a long time," since Ethan moved in.
"So you and Ethan, have you been together long?"
"Yeah we actually met at Uni, before I came over here. He's originally from New York, he works in finance."
"And he goes out without you."
Kenzi blushed. "We go out together, too. Just not very often. What about you?" She changed the subject.
"I've been single for a year or so I guess. I was engaged but we were living on opposite sides of the country. I don't know what we were thinking, really. It was doomed from the start." He laughed softly.
Kenzi was playing with her coffee cup and noticed he was staring at her wrist. He reached for it and she pulled away. "Sorry, you just have a mark, smudged pen I think. I was curious."
"Where?" She held it up and he held his hand out for her to give it to him.
"Here," he pointed to a series of reddish purple round marks, there was a pattern to them and Kenzi pulled her hand back quickly. "Did I hurt you?" Jeremy asked.
"No, sorry, I think it's just pen, I'll get it off when I get back."
"It's not pen, is it?"
"Jeremy, it's pen. It's nothing."
He put his hands up. "OK, I'm dropping it. Change the subject."
"I like your costume," Kenzi said the first thing she could think of. "It's very... leathery."
"It's very hot is what it is," Kenzi laughed. "I mean it's inappropriate for summer. It is pretty cool though."
"Or, you know, hot?" She blushed. "Change the subject again, please!"
Her phone buzzed on the table. "Hello?" She was expecting a work call and hadn't looked at the screen.
"Where are you?"
"Ethan? I'm at work, why?"
"No you're not. Apparently you're out for lunch at three in the afternoon. I won't ask again. Where are you?"
"I'm in a cafe just outside the gates, and I'm having a late lunch. I was about to come back anyway so if you can wait-"
"Hurry. I don't have a lot of time. I'm in your trailer." He hung up.
Kate groaned. "I'm sorry to do this to you again. I have to go, he's waiting in my trailer."
"At least I get to walk you back this time," Jeremy smiled sympathetically and stood up. "Kenzi was he always like this?"
"No. He just likes to know where I am, that's all."
He knew better than to keep pushing. They were back at her trailer in a couple of minutes and Jeremy made it clear he wasn't intimidated.
"Uh, Jeremy Renner, this is Ethan White."
They shook hands, "nice to meet you," Jeremy said. "We both had to work through lunch so we just went for a quick bite. I'll catch you tomorrow, Kenzi."
"You will." She said.
Ethan took her already bruised wrist and dragged her roughly inside the trailer, closing the door with his foot. He pushed her up against the desk and kissed her roughly.
"Don't." She snapped. "This is my workplace and you will not push me around here."
"Sorry, I didn't realise you were at work. You look like a little girl up to no good. Perhaps if you dressed like a professional, not a teenage slut, you wouldn't have this problem with other men sniffing around."
"Stop it. Jeremy is a friend, that's all." Ethan snorted.
"Yeah Kenzi, of course he is."
"Did you want something or are you just here to check up on me?"
"Well I clearly can't trust you. But I was actually just here to say hi and show some interest. Obviously I should do so more often and make sure you're not fucking other men in the dressing room."
There was a loud knock in the door and Ethan glared at her. "Kenzi? I need a hand as soon as you have a minute."
"I'll be right there, Jed." She called. "Get off me, I have to work." She snarled at Ethan.
"You will be home by six. Or I'll come and get you myself."
"I'll be home when I'm finished." What are you doing? You're going to pay for that later!
She opened the door and turned bright red when she saw Jed standing there. He had clearly been listening but had his back turned so as not to arouse Ethan's suspicion. She walked purposefully off toward the main set, not looking back to make sure he was gone.
When she got there Jed was behind her. "I didn't mean to eavesdrop, I was just walking past. I don't actually need anything, and I don't have time right now, but we are going to talk about that. Got it?"
Kenzi nodded. "How much did you hear?"
"Most of it, I think. Enough. Kenzi, is he always like that? Has he always talked to you like that?"
"Only when I piss him off." She said softly. "I have some stuff to do if you don't need me,"
"I don't, no. Come in early tomorrow though?" Kenzi nodded.

"Get dressed, we're going out." Ethan snapped. Kenzi was so tired she thought she might cry. She had been looking forward to a night alone on the couch.
"Ethan, I'm really tired-"
"Good. You won't fight me then. If you hadn't gone out last night you wouldn't be. Get dressed. The short black one. And put your hair up so you can't see those stupid rainbow colours."
Kenzi got dressed in a black mini dress and black pumps, and put her hair in a low bun. She looked at herself in the full length mirror while she put on her jewellery. She was stunning, she knew it, she worked hard to get toned and those killer legs didn't just happen on their own. That was why Ethan insisted on the shortest dress she owned.
"Where are we going?" She asked, walking to the door.
"Just drinks with the boys and some of their girlfriends. Don't drink too much you're driving home."
"OK." She said meekly.

A few rounds in Ethan was getting obnoxious and affectionate. It was a dangerous combination, Kenzi soon realised she was there purely to look pretty and not open her mouth. Whenever someone asked her a question he answered for her. "I'll have another whiskey please, darling."
"Certainly," she said with a mock curtsey, heading for the bar. She suddenly saw Jeremy walking out of the VIP lounge and stopped, hoping he wouldn't see her. She was suddenly very conscious of how short and revealing her dress was. He looked up, straight in to her face. He smiled and started to walk over to her, and she put a hand up, signalling him to stop and pointing to Ethan. He gave her an exasperated smile but kept walking.
Just when Kenzi thought she couldn't stand any more, Ethan decided it was time to leave and they walked to the car. They were the only car left parked in an alleyway, and he pushed her roughly up against the wall next to the car. "God I love this dress," he said as he kissed her neck, lifted her legs around his waist and pushed her panties to one side. "Easy access."
"Ethan, please. You're going to hurt... please."
She heard him unzip his pants and braced herself for his assault. He pushed his lips against hers, covering her mouth as he slammed inside her, and she cried out in pain. She breathed as deeply as she could, closing her eyes and waiting for it to be over. He grunted as he released inside her a few minutes later and she heard footsteps on the other side of the road. She could only make out a silhouette but she thought he looked familiar. Oh god, no. Please don't be.
Ethan pulled out of her and zipped himself up while Kenzi pulled her dress back down and they got back in to the car. She vaguely remembered a time when she would have found that exhilarating, having sex in public. She would have been a willing participant and even suggested it. Maybe that was where she went wrong, she wondered.

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