Chapter Six

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It had been just over two weeks since Kenzi had seen Jeremy or gone anywhere but home and the set. She had put her head down at work and been on her best behaviour at home. Ethan had even been almost pleasant, had been taking her out occasionally and even stayed at home a few nights. On the morning she was leaving for the location shoot in Scotland he was already up and had made her a coffee while she showered and got ready to leave.
"You're up early," she said, sitting down at the table.
"I thought you might leave without a word if I wasn't."
"You know I don't like to wake you," Kenzi looked down at the table.
"You have a job interview next Friday. The position I mentioned, they liked your application. They'll be calling you today, and you will do whatever you need to do."
"I'm confused, I didn't apply."
"Yes, you did. Well according to them you did."
"You did this. It's a demotion and a big pay cut and I don't want the job. I wouldn't be happy there."
"We would be happy if you were there. I'd know where you were, we'd have the same friends. This could save us, Kenzi."
"Because you'd be watching me twenty four seven?"
"Yes. You will make the interview, and you will do your best, and you will get the job and give up this ridiculous game you've been playing at like a child playing pretend. Do you understand?"
"I have to go, Ethan. I'll be back in four weeks."
Ethan grabbed her arm as she passed. "Kenzi! Do you understand?!"
"Yes," she gulped. "I have to go."
"Have a great time, darling." He said, dripping with sarcasm.

Kenzi arrived at the airport and was directed to the business class lounge. "Did you upgrade?" Jed asked when she walked in.
"No, I assumed you did it."
"Hm." She shrugged. "Since we're here alone, can we talk?"
"Of course, what's on your mind?"
"Ethan," she sighed. "He's trying to get me a job with him. He put in an application, in my name. And I have an interview on Friday."
"You won't be there though,"
"I've never been scared of him, never really felt threatened. But the way he spoke this morning, it made my blood run cold."
"You have to get out. Now, Kenzi. Before he hurts you, not after."
"He's been almost pleasant, until this morning."
"Do you love him?"
"I... think so. I've seen glimpses of the old Ethan lately. The one who loved me, surprised me, supported me. Loved me the way I am."
"Is it enough, though?"
"He said a few weeks ago, he'd kill himself if I left him. What if he did, and I was responsible."
"Kenzi-" Jed could see she wasn't thinking rationally. He put an arm around her shoulders and squeezed, hoping that a few weeks of freedom might convince her.

"It's no coincidence I'm sitting next to you, is it?" Kenzi said to Jeremy on the plane.
"I don't know what you're talking about," he smirked. "I asked for the seat with the most beautiful view and this is what I got."
"Thank you, it was unnecessary but very kind. Has that line ever worked for you?"
"What line? I'm telling the truth!" He leaned in close to her ear. "I'll let you know. And you're very welcome."
"Why me?"
"Serious?" Kenzi nodded. "Well aside from being the most beautiful view, I find you intriguing. And smart. And I'd like to know more about you."
"There's not that much to know, really. You'll be bored before we take off!"
"Try me."

Half way to Edinburgh they had heard all there was to know about one another. Jeremy grew more interested in Kenzi the more she talked, she certainly wasn't just your average computer nerd. She'd grown up in Melbourne and attended school and university there. She was raised by her single mother along with her younger brother, Tyson. She had a strained relationship with her father and hadn't spoken to him since moving to the US. She had previously worked on contract for Microsoft and Facebook and had also done some consulting work for the Department of Defence. She had an amazing passion for learning, and when she talked about doing something different, doing work on set that she'd never done before, her eyes lit up.
Kenzi discovered Jeremy was much more than just a beefy actor, he was also well read and had studied literature as well as theatre. He had also been raised primarily by his mother, his father was a Marine, and he had an older brother and younger sister.
"Am I allowed to ask about Ethan?" He asked warily.
"That depends. What do you want to know?"
"Does he have some magic hold over you that makes his behaviour ok?"
"I don't think so, but that's the best explanation I've heard so far. We were so happy in the beginning, so in love. When he brought me here, when I was first getting work over here, he was so interested and so proud of what I could do. He's just a big control freak really."
"He doesn't want you to do this job though?"
"No. He thinks I should be in an office in a suit, like him. He hates my hair, he likes me to be.., polished. Dressed up, hair and makeup perfect, the whole deal. He likes to show me off, but doesn't like me to talk too much. And other men even looking at me if he's not right by my side is like world war three."
"Which is why you waved me away at the club?"
"Yes, and I didn't get a chance to apologise. If he'd seen me with you twice, there would have been hell to pay. And he only ever takes it out on me. I'd already had enough."
"That night, in the alley..."
"You saw us, didn't you. I thought it was you."
"I'm really sorry. I mean I didn't see anything. But I felt for you being kind of, um..."
"Coerced? Yeah, I've learned to just go with it."
"Kenzi," he put his hand on hers and she blushed. "How can you let him get away with that? How can you put up with that? You're so full of life when you're alone and so different when he's around."
"Because I don't want to set him off. Honestly he's not always that bad, he isn't always like that. The last couple of weeks have been pretty ok."
"If he loved you, really loved you, he would never treat you like this. Are you scared of him?"
"Very rarely. I don't think he would actually harm me, the quicker I give in the less he... you know. Hurts."
She noticed his hands were balled in to fists, and took his hand in both of hers. "Thank you, Jeremy. For caring, for listening. You don't need to worry."

Kenzi stirred, feeling the man beneath her move slowly as he breathed. Her head was just below his shoulder and she could just faintly make out his heartbeat. When she stirred his hand rubbed her shoulder, and for a moment she was completely disoriented. Ethan. No, Ethan hasn't cuddled me like this since the beginning. Where the hell am I and who am I laying on? She opened her eyes and lifted her head just slightly. Jeremy had his head back and eyes closed, and she remembered snuggling in to him now. He had insisted. He felt warm, and strong, and the way his fingers ran over her shoulder gave her goosebumps. Her first impression of him had been that he was a flirt, and trying to get her in to bed. She didn't think that any more, he actually cared about her. She sighed heavily. If only he had come along first, how different things might be. She closed her eyes and drifted back off in to a peaceful sleep.

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